A Prime Fool - Optimus Prime X Reader (sparkmerging)

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Requested by BumblebeeGirlz26

    You ran. You'd walked out of the room, transformering despite Ratchet's protests, and sped out of the base.

   It wasn't Optimus's fault. You felt that it was yours. You messed up all the time, you were so unworthy of him...you only wanted to show him that he didn't know what he was getting into, when he asked you to sparkmerge with him.

   Ex-Decepticon. Fool. Someone who managed to deceive Optimus Prime into thinking he loved you.

   Those were the titles you gave yourself, mentally at least. You found them to be more and more true as you drove along the abandoned highways, speed inching into the hundreds.

   Optimus said he understood that you had changed. But did he? Did you? Or were you still the same person who had heard Megatron's words ("You are being deceived."), and branded the Deception symbol on your chassis?

   You had no idea.

   Optimus needed to be kept safe from someone like that, like you. He needed to understand that you were not the person he wanted to bond his spark too.

   You tilt your mirror to the side as another life form pops up on your scanners, and unsurprisingly enough it's a red semi-truck.

   Trucks can't go that fast. You at least knew that much. You press down on your gas petal, exceeding the highway's speed limit by at least two hundred miles per hour.

   (Y/N). Come back, please. We can resolve this, he says over the comm system.

   We can't and you know it, you say.

   Do I? He responds. Please, stop.

   The least you can do, you decide, is explain to him why you're running.

   When you hit the brakes, you nearly flip over. You grit your dentae, transforming and digging your pedes into the cold asphalt, eventually skidding to a stop.

   Hopefully no humans are up this late.

   Optimus transform too, but stands a respectful distance away.

   "I am sorry, (Y/N)," he says.

   "What?" You demand, looking up at him. Why is he sorry? You should be apologizing. "Why?"

   "I feel my proposal put you in an uncomfortable position, did it not?"

   You shift, awkwardly, optics trailing down to the dark road. "Of a sorts."

   "I do not understand. Elaborate?" He asks, concern written on his face.

   "I'm...an ex-con."

   "I am aware, dearest."

   "Exactly!" You shout. "How could you not see that I'm your enemy! How could you think I'm the person you should bare your very spark to?!"

    He goes silent.

    You turn, going to initiate the transformation sequence. "I'm leaving."

   Then Optimus finally speaks.

  "Do you see the Autobrand on your chassis?"

   You stop. "Of course I do—"

   "Wouldn't you take that to mean that you have left your past behind you?"

   You scoff, turning back around. "A symbol doesn't mean anything. Especially when I think about all the people I murdered, when you are lost in recharge."

   The names flash through your mind once more. Impactor. Pyro. Topspin. Countless others whose faces remain burned in your mind.

   He stares into your optics. "Guilt shows that your spark is good."

   You back at him, unconvinced.

   Optimus walks towards you. "I wish to show you how much I believe you changed," he says, grand and clear, and slides back his chest plates.

   Lubricants well in your optics. Your plain facts can't even deter him? He sees how awful you are, why isn't he leaving you behind? Why isn't he calling Megatron, telling him he's got a con that's about to come back home?

   A voice in the back of your head murmurs that maybe he really loves you.

   "Oh," you sigh, relieved. "Oh, Optimus. I didn't think you would..."

   He wipes a drop of lubricant from your cheek, giving you a rare smile. "Of course I would, my love."

   You slide back your own panel, and Optimus looks to you for your consent, his optics kind and beautiful. You nod at him.

   He hugs you close, spark pushing together in the middle of the desolate desert, a wonderful light booming outwards into the darkness

   There wasn't any doubt in your mind, now. He did love you. And he made sure to tell you that, through the spark bond.

   Optimus painted you in such a different light, one that is so unusual for you to see yourself in. He made you finally see, not through words but through the sensational emotion in his spark, that you were a different person then you had been.

   That you were worthy of him. 

    And for that, and for him, you were eternally grateful.

Hope you like it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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