Rodimus X Reader - I Always Will

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Halfway across the battlefield you see the fragger, an evil and victorious smirk already creeping on to her face. Her shoulder gun is aimed straight for Rodimus's back, the blast fixing to go right through your conjunx's spark.
And Primus knows you would never let anything like that happen to Rodimus.
You run as fast as you can, bolting for Rodimus.

Nothing's like how you saw it in the holofilms, it's not in slow motion, it's quick. The bolt hits you square in the stomach, and even though you expected this to happen, you were unprepared. You choke on nothing, your hand gradually going to your stomach and turning up pink, littered with scraps of yourself and thick energon.

"(Y/N?)" a voice asks from behind, twisted with horror and alarm. Rodimus catches you as you fall backwards, simply standing for a couple astroseconds before lifting his servo to his comm and ordering for a medic.

He's running now, towards the Lost Light as quick as he can with a dying lover in his arms.

You can hear him—he's mumbling denial, softly and quickly under his breath.

Your optics began to fade, everything is blurred. Your processor mushes all the input together and begins to shut down.

He barges into the medbay, setting you down on a bed with gentility as Ratchet rushes over and begins procedure wordlessly.

You brush Rodimus's face with your servo, and whisper to him. "Rodimus, I love you."

The last thing you see before blacking out is Rodimus's pained face, mouthing three words: "I love you, too!"
You've fallen into a coma, Ratchet tells him. You're alive, but who knows if you'll wake up.

He sits by your bed side whenever he can, sleeps and eats and works by you, never wanting to chance missing the moment when you open those bright optics of yours.

It's in the middle of the night, when his optics run over your face for the millionth time, when his fingers grasp yours, that he realizes you were prepared to die for him. You didn't have any idea you would come out of that. He's alive because of you.

Primus knows he would do the same for you.
"C'mon, beautiful," he whispers, kissing your forehelm. "Wake up."
"(Y/N), please...!" He sobs, voice broken. You can tell from his EM field he's desperately trying to get you to come back to him. "Please, wake up!"

You can't. You're trying to move, trying to acknowledge his pain and respond that you're fine, but you can't.

The most you can do is send a faint pulse of energy through the spark bond.

"Baby," he mutters. He kisses each of your fingers. "You're in there somewhere so...Thank you. I love you, (y/n)."
You're optics come on gradually, systems flickering back online. You've tried so hard to get here, and waking up feels better than getting your Autobrand. You're finally able to see to see Rodimus again.

You reach back with what strength you can gather, and grasp Rodimus's hand. You hear his breathing hitch, and his body jolt outwards.
Then he gasps, "(Y/N)?"

"Roddy..." you whisper, smiling. Lubricant clouds your optics.

He rushes to your bedside, and you turn your head to look at him. He scatters kisses over your helm and faceplate until you take his cheeks into your hands, which tangle with the wires attached to you. You pull him into a kiss, deep and emotional. You're crying now, and so is he.

"I love you," Rodimus declares, wiping his tears and smiling the infamous Rodimus smirk. He snuggles his helm into your chassis. "I've missed you so much."

"Oh, I know," you smile at him. "I know because I felt you beside me each and every night I was gone, whispering your love to me even if you didn't know if I could hear and...Rodimus, you are absolutely the love of my life."

He smiles, then looks up at you. "Thank you."

"For what, Roddy?" You ask.

"Well, for saving my life..." he traces your transformation seams with his finger. "...and for coming back to me."

"Of course," you kiss his forehelm. "I always will."

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