Any Day - Airachnid X Reader

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You’d just tried to examine a spider for the lab, you think. You’re running now, your lab coat ripped and you’re bleeding in places from running through the brush.

 You’d just been looking at a spider when you heard a ruffle in the trees, followed by a beautiful, melodic laugh. A toxic laugh, as you soon found out.

  When you had turned to look, only thinking of it to be some campers that wandered from the camp grounds.

   But it wasn’t. The first thing you saw had been purple eyes, metal black horns, a black abdomen and body, and purple and yellow legs. Eight of them.

  You keep running. That melodic laugh again, followed by a cruel growl.

  “Come here, you dumb human,” the voice is female, and very pretty.

   You back into a tree, having no where else to go. She extends a leg towards you, and you know you’re going to die today.

   You close your eyes, breathing in and out.

 A sticky substance cover your body. Strong, too. You can’t even move your fingers. The spider approaches you, slowly. She smiles, trailing a metal digit down your cheek and hooking it under your chin. You shiver.

 "What is a pretty little human like you doing out here?“

 "Well,” you breathe. “I was doing my work as an arachnologist, you know, studying spiders, and the next thing I know I’m being chased by a very attractive, humongous spider! How…how are you?”

 "Splendid, dear. You think I’m attractive?“

 "Uh…” you stutter. “Yes, yes, very!”

 She smiles, and your heart skips a beat. What is going on with you? She’s a giant metal spider trying to kill you!

 "Thank you. And…you said you study…spiders?“

  "Yes,” You say, nodding.

  “Maybe I won’t kill you. You’re a peculiar little human. Pretty, too.” She looks you up and down.

  “Thanks,” you mutter. “But I thought I was supposed to be the one examining spiders, not the other way around.”

  “Well,” she says. “Things are bound to change, aren’t they? And, you’re welcome.”

  You hold her gaze for a second.

  “If you aren’t going to kill me, can you let me down?” You scoff, breaking the silence and squirming in the sticky bonds.

  She cuts you down, and extends a leg for you to climb on. You hesitate, and you look up at her. That smile, it’s oddly convincing. Welcoming, even.

 She places you on her shoulder. Airachnid thought you were quite cute, being all flustered and nerdy as you’d called her attractive. It’s only been three minutes, and she actually is taking a liking to you. And for Airachnid, that is beyond rare.

  “I’m Airachnid.”


  “Well, I’m glad I spared you, (Y/N).”

  “Me too,” you breathe.


   You’re crying. The sky is dark, and helicopters swoop overhead. You’re only worried about one thing: Airachnid.

  She’s covered in some substance, and it hard to get any vital or any sign she’s still alive.

  You love her so much. And every night you wonder how you can love a twisted murderer, but all your doubts fall away when you’re around her. She treats you like you’re a queen, when in reality she’s the queen.

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