THAT moment

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When your like, "Crap; I forgot something..."

When you have to laugh at your own joke

When someone sneezes, and it's absolutely silent after

When it's SILENT, and somebody sneezes/coughs/laughs/AC starts to run

When your brushing your hair, and the brush gets stuck

When your hair gets stuck in buttons or zipper

When your staring off into space, and someone's like, "can you stop staring at me?!"

When the teacher finds a rip/ship list, and asks what it is

When your reading a book in class, and there's a curse word in it, and the teacher walks by, and she looks in your direction, and you can't scramble to hide the book, because she would suspect something, so you just freeze, hoping she won't notice.

Your on the toilet, and you realize there's not toilet paper

Your in the shower, and you realize you left your clothes downstairs

Your listening to music, and the background noise sounds like your mom is calling you

Your wondering why your headphones aren't working, then you realize they weren't connected

When your talking to a friend in class, then you say something louder then everything else in the class

When you see a hair ball, and think it's a spider

Your in bed, it's dead quite, and then your cat jumps on your bed and meows

Your using a fidget spinner, and someone asks if they can try it

You can't open a water bottle, then someone else opens it with ease

You have a perfect pancake, then it gets ruined when you flip it

Your at a friends house, and the food isn't good, but you don't want to say anything

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