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What's your favorite food? Chocolate
What's your go-to for stress? Chocolate
What's the best thing in the world? Chocolate
What's your passion? Chocolate
What's in there? Chocolate
What was the last thing you ate? Chocolate
What's the worst thing? Being denied access to chocolate
What do you crave? Chocolate
What do you need to survive? Oxygen, sleep, Wattpad, and chocolate
What's in your mouth? Chocolate
If you could choose way you wanted to die, what would you choose? Drowning in a vat of chocolate
What do you eat? Chocolate
If you could have one thing, what would it be? More time to eat more chocolate
If someone took away your chocolate, what would you do? Tackle them, and make them buy me more chocolate
What would you do if I said I didn't like chocolate?
1. Ask you how your alive
2. Ask if your an alien
3. Make you buy me chocolate
What's your reason to continue living? Another moment to eat more chocolate
Sorry, I can't answer anymore questions, must have chocolate
This chapter was for you, fellow chocoholics

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