Donald. J. Trump

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Hey guys! So I got back from my Alberta, Canada trip. Got back last night. I've decided to crack some Donald Trump jokes, for the sake of humor. I don't in any way mean to offend anyone, this is just something to lighten the tense mood surrounding Trump.


There is an orange in the White House. I think it got fungus.

You can't judge Americans from Donald, because he's his own race. He's orange.

Okay, Donald Trump has potential. That's why it's only Trump, not Triumph.

If the annoying orange is impeached, will he be the annoying peach?

If Hillary Clinton is a potato, the Donald Trump is a tomato.

Donald Trump doesn't believe in global warming. Maybe that's why his face looks like an overbaked pizza crust.

Donald Trump is not, quote, braggadoshes

Donald Trump can't even control his hair. How can he control a country?

I think Canada will build a wall before Trump does.

Why does Trump hate Mexico? Even he likes Tacos!

Donald Trump doesn't hate China. He's jealous of their wall.

A wild scarf head has appeared. Donald is running for his life.

Please just understand I don't mean to offend anyone. As much as a dislike Trump, his hate has sparked up soooo mush love. Where there is hate, there is love, and I don't think I've ever seen more of it. Sure, Trump is president, but that doesn't mean he has full control over America, or the hearts of the people.

As for Canada.
They are a true role model. I didn't feel like a wild scarf head. I didn't get a single look, except from a grumpy mountain goat. I'm back in America, but it's not the end of the world. There is love everywhere, just don't let the hate get to you.

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