Love or Friendship? (Chapter 2)

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Heyy! This chapter is really short!  

I promise next chapter wil be longer!  

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(Chapter 2)

~Love or Friendship?~

I heard my mom calling me; it must be around 9. I was so tired that my whole body was numb. I heard my phone ringing, playing Blake's ring tone. Oh my God, he won't even leave me alone on Saturday mornings! It's only 9:54! Well, it's not that early.. But STILL! I wanted to sleep! I sat on my bed and answered my phone.

"Heeey, were you sleeping?" He questioned, sounding excited, and I'm sure he was outside with all those noises coming from his line.

"Ughh no, Blake, I wasn't. I just slept at four AM last night and I woke up at eight; what do you think?" I answered sarcastically.

"Why four? What were you doing?"  Suddenly his voice was cold, and I felt dread overcome me. Oh oh. I'm screwed.

"Ummm... You know hanging out with friends," I replied vaguely, not sure what I was supposed to say. If he found out I went to a party without him until three AM, he would KILL me. 

"Oh yeah, with your new friends, but till four AM?' he said, enunciating the 'N' in new. Ugh, that GUY.

"Yeah, I reached home around three, safe and sound, so no need to be worried pretty boy.  And yes with my new friends, not my best friend, which reminds me... Wanna hang out?" I ask, changing the subject quickly.

"Oh yeah, sure.  Anyways, that's why I called. I'm at the beach--the one we usually go to. Wanna come?" 

"Be there in twenty." 

I brushed my hair, threw on my black bikini and shorts, and then looked at myself in the mirror.  Hmmm... I guess I was fine. Deciding on no makeup and that my wavy, dark brown hair was perfect, I headed to my car.

When I reached the beach, I saw something I didn't want to see. Well, obviously I saw him, which was always good. His toned skin, messy brown hair and oh, the part I didn't like: sucking a girl's face! I just stood there speechless, jealousy killing me.

I was looking straight at him when he pulled back from the slut.  His gaze met mine and he waved. He was perfection, wearing a tight, white v-neck shirt, with his perfect six-pack showing through, and blue beach shorts. He said something to the girl and just left her; the girl had this weird, disappointed look on her face. I couldn't help myself but laugh at her. It was so funny!

He winked at me and made his way over, and my heart melted a little. Blair, control yourself; he is your best friend.  Don't let your feelings come between your friendship.  I kept repeating those words to myself whenever my feelings took over.

"Heeey," I greeted, smiling sheepishly up at him. I couldn't help but notice how tall he was. I always felt like a midgit next to him. 

"Hey you; how are you?"  He hugged me, and he smelled really nice. I wanted to stay there forever, in his arms, so comfortable and warm. He pulled back, waiting for my response.

Umm... I'm with you right now," I replied, winking at him. We had this whole inside joke thing. 

"Ha-ha," he laughed sarcastically and put his arm around my shoulder while we started walking on the sand. 

"How are you pretty boy?"  I punched his shoulder and we stopped walking. He stood right in front of me, looking straight into my eyes. Lost in his deep brown eyes, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach from his gaze. 

"I'm great," he finally spit out with his hands in his pockets, and then he just looked away. I knew I might be the reason he was, well, let's say what he calling "great".

"Hey, I know you had a pretty awesome time back there," I commented.  I winked at him again and forced a smile, mentioning the girl he was with five minutes ago.

"Oh yes, you know my love for her." He put his hand on his heart and faked a puppy love face, and we both started laughing .

I looked at him when we stopped, and I saw the infamous smirk on his face. Oh God! That smirk! It means run for your life!

As soon as I started running away, he started running after me, and I suddenly felt two strong hands push me down from behind. I fell on the floor feeling something heavy on my back. Of course, it was Blake. Ugh. He was so heavy!

As I turned to look at him, our faces were two inches apart.  I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks, and I just stared into his eyes, mesmerized. Until I felt his two hands... TICKLING ME! Oh my God! He had to stop! I kicked him really hard, but he just continued relentlessly. I eventually got up and started running away again.

"Blake, please STOP!" I pleaded when he caught up to me a second time.

"Aw, poor Blair. Do I hear begging?" 

"Yes, yes, I'm begging," I admitted with haste. "Please stop!" I ran out of air and just fell on the floor.

"Sure, but only if you kiss me." He winked at me and then gave me the puppy dog face. "Oh baby girl, I know you want to," he continued when I don't do anything. 

"Blake ewww! No! I wouldn't kiss you! Ever!" I stuck my tongue at him. Well, I wanted to, obviously, but no, I couldn't. Could I?



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"I'll rather be your best friend, and not your lover if I have to leave."


Teardrops on my guitar - Taylor swift.

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