14 - Career Day

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"All right, future history makers. Welcome to career day. Now there are a lot of ways to make your mark on the world," Mr. Matthews said.

Noah wasn't expecting much. He doesn't have parents to show up.

His mother is dead and his father left before Noah was even born.

Noah and his older brother, Dean, were left in the care of their grandparents.

When Dean graduated college, he went off to college and came to visit during the holidays. Then he started working in Boston. He tried to visit whenever he could and would call or text Noah all the time checking in on him.

Plus Dean travelled a lot for his work, so he couldn't visit as much as he would like to. Dean would buy something for Noah and send him stuff when he travels for work.

At least he knew Dean was there for him, even though he couldn't physically be here for him.

Noah hated career day. It was just a reminder of what he didn't have.

All of his peers had families, some like Maya came from single parent households but at least they have a present parent, a parent that's trying.

Noah... he had his grandparents and brother, but even then there was only so much his grandparents could do for him. His brother was gone most of the time.

When history class started, Mr. Matthews stood in front of the class and said, "All right, future history makers. Welcome to career day. Not there are a lot of ways to make your mark on the world."

At that moment, Mrs. Matthews walked into the classroom.

"Oh, great, Shakira is here," Riley said sarcastically.

She turned to Maya.

"Where's your mom?" Riley asked Maya.

"She won't be coming," Maya said.

"But she told you she was coming," Riley said.

"Yes, she did," Maya said.

"Okay, guys, our first guest today is a lawyer," Mr. Matthews said, "and I likes her. ey, lawyer lady, how's about we go out sometime? I get off work every day at 3:15... Except Tuesdays. I got playground."

"So I am an attorney," Mrs. Matthews said. "I got here through a lot of hard work in school. By the time I was your age, I had 350 'As."

Someone knocked on the door.

"Your mom - there she is!" Riley said hopefully/

Mr. Matthews opened the door and a man cam in.

"Minkus," Mr. Matthews said.

"Topanaga," the man, Minkus, said.

"Stuart," Topanaga said.

"Topanaga," Minkus said. 

Minkus walked over to Farkle.

"Father," Farkle said.

"Farkle," Minkus said.

"Wait a minute," Lucas said.


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