23 - New World

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Noah and Madison had been texting all summer. Ever since their date, they've been talking much more than usual.

"What's going on between Riley and Lucas?" Noah asked Madison.

Noah had been gone all summer and as soon as he got back, he realized that there was something wrong.

"They hadn't been able to talk to each other since their kiss," Madison explained.

She went on to tell Noah everything that had happened between Riley and Lucas, at least from what she knew, to Noah.

"Sounds like they don't know how to talk to each other anymore," Noah noted.

"Pretty much," Madison agreed.

"Wow," Noah said.

Noah and Madison walked into Mr. Matthews's class together and took their seats.

They changed the topic as soon as they stepped foot into the classroom.

As soon as they sat down the bell rang and Mr. Matthews began the lesson.

"The New World," Mr. Matthews said. "People who lived their whole lives in a certain place of new feelings and opportunities."

Riley and Lucas looked up at the teacher, startled. It looked like they were wondering what he knew if he knew anything.

They shared a look.

"Having no idea how to behave in this brand new society," Mr. Matthews continued.

"Lucas, what did you tell him?" Riley said.

"Nothing, I am also uncomfortable," Lucas said in what sounded like a robot voice.

Maya smiled happily.

Noah knew she was up to something.

"Wait, Mr. Matthews doesn't know that Riley kissed Lucas?" Noah asked Farkle and Maya.

Noah couldn't help but smile as well.

"No," Riley smiled.

"So everything he says is making them uncomfortable?"

"Uh - huh," Maya said.

"Shall we take advantage of this?" 

"How could we not?" Maya responded.

"I will begin," Noah said.

Noah stood up.

"So, Mr. Matthews, tell me," Noah said, "after you've dared to close your eyes and take the face of the new world in your trembling hands..."

"What are you trying to say, Noah?" Mr. Matthews asked as if he was concerned for Noah.

"Are you supposed to be a couple next or what?" Noah asked.

"HIh?" Mr. Matthews asked, confused.

"What?" Riley said, shocked.

"Huh?" Lucas said.

"Oh, you don't understand Noah's question?" Noah asked. "Perhaps my dear friend, Maya Penelope Hart could help me!"

Maya's expression changed from happiness and amusement to horror.

"Penelope," Sarah said.

Maya glared at Sarah.

"Noah," Maya said in a low, angry voice.

"It came out, it just came out!" Noah said. "It just came out, I swear!"

Noah sat back down.

"Penelope?" Lucas repeated.

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