26 - Rules

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It was the weirdest thing.

The whole class was in class and Mr. Matthews wasn't. 

They were all waiting for their history teacher.

"Alright, where's your father?" Lucas asked Riley.

"Are we getting a sub?" Farkle asked. "I don't want a sub. You never know where they've been."

"Will you calm down?" Riley said. "He's a minute late. Stop overreacting."

"What if he never shows up?" Farkle said, now panicking. "What if I never learn anything else? I'm going down, sir! Oh, he's not even here."

Farkle then fainted.

Riley stood up to help Farkle.

"We lost, Farkle," she said. "A little help, Maya?"

Maya stood up, walked over to the desk and climbed on top of it.

She was standing on top of the desk.

"Matthews is out, Farkle is down, it's Maya time," Maya announced.

"Farkle's fixed," Riley said as Farkle started to wake up. "No Maya time."

Farkle fainted again.

"You may proceed," Riley said, now sitting back down at her desk.

"During Maya time, we open the confiscation drawer," Maya said, "and back all the stuff from the land of unfairly taken toys."

"Maya!" Riley scoffed. "I don't think anybody really wants."

Everyone, including Noah, clapped.

He had a few things taken away from him by Mr. Matthews said.

Noah stood up and joined Maya as they took stuff out of the drawer.

"Alright," Noah took out a Frisbee," whose is this?"

A student in the back of the room raised their hand.

Farkle woke up again and stood up.

"What'd I miss?"

He got hit by the Frisbee that Maya threw.

"Yikes," Noah said, "that must've hurt."

"Maya! Noah!" Riley exclaimed. "He is going to walk in and catch you and you're going to be in trouble and I am here to keep you out of trouble, and I will have failed. Do you want me to fail?"

"Do you want us to show you how to have fun?" Maya said.

"Behaving is fun," Riley said.

"Come here," Maya demanded.

"I really don't want to," Riley said.

"You come here right now," Maya said, "Ring power!" she held up her hand.

Riley sighed and got up.

She walked over to Noah and Maya.

"When we say 'ring power' you have to," Riley said. "It's a rule."

"Tell us this isn't fun," Noah said as he threw ping pong balls with a hand toy.

"Yeah, that seems like fun," she admitted, "but now you did it, so I don't get to do it, so are we sitting down now?"

Noah handed Riley the hand toy.

"Of course there's another one," Riley said.

"Do it!" Maya said.

"There is nothing in this world that can make me do it," Riley said.

"Ring power!" Maya said, holding up her hand.

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