23 - Gravity

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"I can't believe you're gonna be my father again," Riley said, unhappily.

Noah, Maya, and Mr. Matthews stared at Riley.

"I said what I said," Riley acknowledged.

Okay, Mr. Matthews mouthed.

"Seriously, Matthews, how's this possibly happening?" Maya asked in disbelief.

"I like that it's happening," Farkle admitted. "The other guy wouldn't give me Farkle Time."

"Yeah, and he was pretty insufferable," Noah said.

"And he didn't like it at all when we talked," Lucas added.

"It's true," Maya agreed. "It was like he wanted to talk all the time."

"Because he's the teacher," Noah said to Maya.

"Okay, so?" Maya asked.

"I don't think he knew that history class was supposed to be about our lives," Riley said.

"Galileo," Mr. Matthews said.

He turned to set his things behind his desk.

"Everyone believed that the sun revolved around the Earth," Mr.  Matthews continued, "except for him. Everyone thought they were the center of the universe."

"I know somebody who circles around me," Riley said, "a little too closely."

"Is that what you think is happening here, Riley?" Mr. Matthews asked his daughter.

"We're int eh eighth grade now," Riley said.

"We're a year older," Maya added.

"We should be able to head off on our own," Riley said, "and explore without you."

Riley and Maya turned to Noah.

"Oh, don't drag me into this," Noah said. "I like it here."

"Okay," Mr. Matthews said. "And you two think you're ready?"

"Born ready," Maya said, confidently.

Noah wished he had Maya's confidence. He wished he was able to do all the things that she was able to do with no fear.

Unfortunately, there was always something holding Noah back. Sure, he does contribute and enable her decisions at times, but... he was never able to go to the very end of it.

"I'll get there!" Riley said.

"You know what we're gonna do, Matthews?" Maya said. "We're going to transfer out of here."

"Yeah!" Riley agreed. "Yeah?"

Maya nodded.

"Yeah!" Maya said.

"Lucas? Farkle? Noah?" Riley said.

"I'm staying here," Noah said.

"I don't think so, Riley," Lucas said.

"I really like him," Farkle admitted. 

"I like the way he teaches us," Lucas said.

Noah nodded in agreement.

"And I like how we're talking right now and he doesn't stop us when he could if he wanted to," Lucas finished.

Mr. Matthews chuckled.

Lucas's comment struck Noah.

"Why don't you stop us?" Noah asked his teacher.

"Yeah, that's interesting, isn't it?" Mr. Matthews responded.

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