Dirty Bookcovers Make Excellent Shields

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This Is Home - Switchfoot


Chat Noir had really outdone himself this time. He managed to lose a bet with Ladybug. His end of the bargain contained taking patrol in the hiking trails, which had been experiencing heavy downpours as of late. His Lady had not surprisingly lucked out, winning the part of town with a multitude of buildings and places to take cover from the rainstorms.

He trudged on, wishing Ladybug was present to keep him company. The slick suit he bore was good with maintaining aerodynamics as he flew from tree to tree, towering above the ground. There had also been a frightening increase in crime around these parts, and Chat Noir wanted to squander its existence.

Any form of crime or injustice annoyed the snot out of him, and he wanted to make his city a better place for all. He housed the true heart of a hero. There he was, caught in the heavy blow of raindrops while leaping from branch to branch, cat-like eyes throughly skimming the ground below him.

The timing of his patrol was impeccable. He just had a falling out with his father over nursing a B+ in Social Studies. It had been a busy and hectic two weeks and it was homework's time to be the last priority. Every other week, he would swap out what was at the top of the totem pole. It changed from school, modeling jobs and being Chat Noir. All time consuming, all energy draining.

A blob of dimmed, dirty blue caught the corner of his eye, sprouting a seed of curiosity within his brain. He neared the unknown blue object, squinting to better the view through the relentless sheets of rain. Wondering surged his being, running different scenarios through his skull.

Chat Noir landed on the ground, a few feet from the blue object. Upon closer examination, it appeared to be a tent of sorts. He had no clue who would desire to camp out in such harsh weather, but heck, to each his own.

A snapping nag emerged, telling him to see if all that inhabitant the tent were alright. Using his better judgement, Chat Noir sauntered over toward the tent, saying, "Is anyone in there?"

There was a silent pause. It kind of concerned him that no one responded to him, deciding to give it another minute before entering so rudely. "Hello?" he quizzed once further.

"Um, hello there. May I ask who it is?" a voice emerged from inside the raggedy tarp-like home. It sounded peculiarly familiar, almost resonating with his core.

"Why, it is I, Chat Noir. I was inquiring to make sure that you're okay during this crazy shower," he said, placing his clawed hands on his hips. He heard shuffling, almost like she was cleaning up the place before inviting him in.

The zipper was being undone, giving him a sneak peek of what lies behind. Two clear, blue eyes came into sight, sending chills down Chat Noir's leather clad spine. Air was trapped in his throat, as those eyes were too beautiful to ignore. They almost reminded him of someone else he knew, though his head was achy from arguing with his father.

Like a strike of lightening, recognition hit him. "You're Ladybug! Holy crap!" Chat Noir exclaimed, all of his restless searching came down to this moment. Stopping his dance-like antics, he asked, "Weren't you supposed to be on patrol in the city?" His eyes narrowed, curious as to why Ladybug would leave her post.

"Chat! You need to keep it down! I'm in my civilian form and you never know who could be around! And I came down with a nasty cold, so I called it quits."

Chat Noir free worried for the girl, not wanting her to feel sickly. He kneeled on the muddy ground, ignoring the gross squish sound it made. Growing closer, he could hear her breathing through the thin tarp. His nose was a mere inch from hers, making the unmasked Ladybug's eyes to double in size. She couldn't afford to move. Cursed if she let him stay close, cursed if she moved and gave him a peek of her massless self.

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