Nevermore With The Advisor's Advice

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Tell Him - Glee Cast


The red roses were in full bloom this year, and the Princess was absolutely thrilled. Each year, it seemed as though one type of flower was superior to the other petals in the garden. This time, it just so happened to be her favorite flower of all time. Knowing this fact, she laid down next to the crimson petals, in her massive, ball gown-esque dress, on the dirty ground.

She gazed upward at the grey skies, knowing that rain would soon pour and soak her to the bone. Precipitation was her very favorite thing to experience. It seemed to wash all of her worries away with the storm drains. Being a Princess was extremely toiling, especially since she was going to be crowned Queen, all  once she found a suitable husband. Ack. The mere thought of finding a man to marry was what laid anxiety thickly on her shoulders.

Princess Marinette was about to cross the street of age twenty-two, and most of the elderly advisers put pressure on the woman to tie the knot. Her adult life had just begun and she had to much left to do before her Queenship. In fact, there was only one person she could see herself marrying. And he was not even close to being royal.

There was no rule or law that prohibited a non-royal King, but the advisory staff was concerned as to how neighboring kingdoms would view such an ordeal. The other Kings and Queens were traditional and only allowed blood royalty; i.e. no commoners permitted.

That slice of information shattered her heart into pieces.

The Princess hadn't seen, or heard from, her love in quite a while. Last time she talked to him, he was dreaming of becoming a fighting soldier of the Royal Guard. He was rescued by a soldier when he was a wee tyke and wanted to turn around and do the same thing for other small children who needed defending. The, then, young boy was full of heart and determination to make his one, single wish come true. All of this was eight years ago.

To hush circling rumors among varying kingdoms, Marinette was forbidden from visiting said boy until further notice. The day in which she was allowed to see him had not yet come.

With the same amount of sheer will Adrien harbored and the strength of the red roses that perfumed her nose, Princess Marinette threw all standards away, running to the service quarters.

It was difficult, she needed to gather her multiple skirts and manage to keep balanced coordination while wearing fancy heeled shoes. Raindrops ascended from the pits of clouds, splashing onto her cheeks and forearms. Once she reached the front door of the shed looking building, Princess Marinette frantically knocked. After a moment of silence and nothing, she rapped more viscously and tirelessly until the woman heard a lock being twisted. A tall, bespectacled man answered.

"Princess? What can I do for you?" he asked, bowing his head. "Relax. I'm looking for someone. A man named Adrien Agreste," she smiled, hoping this man would know of his whereabouts. The dark skinned man smiled. "Oh yeah! I totally do, Dudette, I mean! Adrien is working in the South Statue Garden until three. So, you can catch the Bro there."

Marinette curtsied, jewels shimmering on her head crookedly, her heart ever so thankful for this man's assistance. Sprinting yet again, she held the bottom of her frilly, pooling dress in her hands. Her destination was love, while her seemingly endless journey was completely sopping wet.

When the Princess met the cusp of the southern sculpture unit, right where the other man said Adrien would be at, her pupils became heart shaped. Lo and behold, perched on a ladder and scrubbing a piece of art with a soggy cloth, was Monsieur Agreste. She froze, admiring how his white tank top hugged his torso, and how his prominent arm muscles were so... rigid. His blonde hair had gotten longer and clung to his forehead. Even from the distance she was at, her entire being melted when she gazed on his tauntingly pink lips.

Marinette pulled along at a bride going down the aisle pace, reaching the end of Adrien's ladder. "Who's brilliant idea was it to polish the sculpture in the pouring rain?" she shouted. Adrien was startled, nearly flying off and hitting the soft ground.

Peeking down at the Princess, his glowing green eyes widened with happiness. "M'Lady! H-Hang on!"

The slight show off slid down the ladder, not bothering with the rungs. As soon as he was in arms length of the woman, he hugged her tightly. "It's been too long, Marinette."

She sighed. "I know. I missed you." Wrapping her arms around his tummy, she squeezed him, probably eliminating all lung function. The two held on to the other, not wanting to let go.

"I hope you know it was not my fault, or my Father's for that matter. If it is one thing the advisors hate, it would have to be piddly talk from other kingdoms."

"I know."

"It's been awful without having you next to my side."

"I know."

"I still have the dream of marrying you and ruling our kingdom together."

He snickered. "I know."

"Is that all you can say?"

"... No. How about I tell you how much I love you, instead."

"I just might take you up on your offer, Monsieur," she giggled, happy to be back in her beloved one's arms once again, never wanting to leave.


You might be able to consider this a Harbored AU (one of my other books I've published). Only if you want to 😉

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