Western Nights

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Fake ID - Big & Rich


"Oh come on! There is no freaking way you're skipping out on me again, Young Lady."

Shrugging and sinking further underneath her comfy covers, Mari chose to not humor her best friend, and roommate, with another excuse. Instead, she dug her nose further in the book she was reading. "No. Not today, Satan. You have ten minutes before I forcibly get you ready. Make the wiser choose here, Sister."

Every Thursday night, Alya would go two-stepping and line dancing with her boyfriend, Nino. And every Thursday night, without fail, Alya would try to convince Marinette to join, claiming that Nino had a kind best friend that was willing to teach the blue eyed girl the ways of the cowboy boot stomping, but she steadfastly refused. The last time she tried to dance, she was laughed at. Sure, trying to line dance to a bunch of people who consider waltzing their dance of choice was not the best thing she could have done. The girl was actually extremely fluent in the ways of western dancing. Not that anyone she knew here knew about it.

"Girl, I know you want to go. Quit telling lies and get up."

Alya ripped the blanket off her friend's body. Obliging after much prodding, she got up and headed to her closet. Selecting a pair of surprisingly short shorts and a slightly revealing top, Mari dressed much to Alya's approval. "Now we need to get you some shoes, do your makeup and hair, then we'll be all set! In the mean time, you can borrow a pair of my boots."

"Don't hate me."

"What? Why would I ever?"

Wordlessly, Mari reached deep into her closet, pulling out a pair of expensive looking Tony Lama cowgirl boots that were covered in holographic gemstones. Alya's jaw dropped. "This would be why you would hate me."

"Since when... how did... but-"

"I used to be quite proficient in line dancing. All before I was bullied about it two years ago."

"It all makes sense now. I'm sorry if I pushed too hard. If you don't want to go, I'll understand."

"No. I've made it this far. I need to go, for my own sake. Plus, this friend of Nino's, you said he's cute, right?" Aya noted the change in subject, finding it best to leave it alone. "Yes! Adrien's pretty handsome and wicked good at dancing. You'll have such a blast!"

Thirty minutes later, both of the girls were ready to take the dance hall by storm. Both situated their IDs in their phone cases, not needing cash since it was Ladies Night and they would get in for free. Locking their shared dorm, they made their way to Alya's car, planning to meet up with their dates at there. "I'm not going to lie, I'm dead nervous."

"Just be yourself! The boy's a sweetie and too innocent for his own little good."

"Not about that boy, Alya! I'm scared I'll mess up again."

Her best friend reach out, touching her shoulder after she parked. "Everything will be okay. And if for some reason it's not, just say the word and we'll leave, okay?" Mari nodded in agreement before exiting the vehicle. The two walked up to the bouncer, showing their IDs to prove they were underage, both twenty, and receiving brightly colored wristbands. "Nino and his friend scored a table near the dance floor."

The scene was dark, save the numerous neon signage sporting country bands, beer and their college logo. Country music was blasting from speakers, the dance floor flooded with couples and random pairs alike. Alya snagged Mari's wrist, directing her to the table she almost missed from being mesmerized by the electric neon. "And this is Marinette. Marinette, this is Adrien. Both of you have permission to fall in love as you choose." Blushing a tinted pink. Mari stuck her hand out to shake his, noting his dark, fitted shirt and bright emerald eyes. "'Kay, see you later, bye!" Nino shouted, scooping up Alya and heading to the floor, dancing to the song that had just started.

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