Soiled Diapers

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For The First Time - The Script


Adrien was exhausted. Not only was he Christmas shopping on the busiest day of the year, but little Weiss was proving to be more of a handful than he originally thought. Weiss was a cutie, but was having a multitude of trouble sleeping soundly during the night. That, and the poor guy pooped his diapers like none other, explosions of excrement the typical surprise every several hours.

It tried Adrien's patience, but he was usually able to keep a level head. Things had been challenging ever since his ex-girlfriend had walked out on the two of them. He had to pull himself together faster than a devastating breakup would usually warrant, needing to care for their son she had left behind. Weiss was only ten months old now, about four months old when his very own mother abandoned him.

All of that baggage just about caught up with him here and now, riding the happy rainbow train that toured around the entire mall. It had piled up more than any airlines' baggage claim. He allowed a few tears to leak from his lids, instantly covering his eyes with one hand, preventing a public breakdown. The blonde man had permitted the business of working, completing his Masters Degree online and juggling a son to halt his greiveances for crying out his unresolved heartbreak.

Once he carried Weiss out of the train ride, that the youngster clearly enjoyed from the sweet little smile plastered on his cute face, Adrien smelt the dreadful sent of a poopy diaper. Relishing a deep sigh, Adrien was on the hunt for a family bathroom. One thing he learned from being a single dad was that it was nearly impossible to change his son out and about. Every changing table was in the women's bathroom. The chances he would actually become a peeping tom for the sake of his child were slim to none.

This was his tipping point. In the middle of the mall's heart, Adrien sank to his knees, Weiss still strapped to his torso in his baby carrier. Hugging his son close to his chest, Adrien sobbed aloud, letting tears and whispered curses to be showcased to the strangers around his fit. He continued to weep loudly, with no signs of stopping. All until he felt the gentle touch of a familiar soul. Where had he felt this before?

"Adrien?" a small, yet melodious voice called out, hushing his cries. He turned around to come face to face with a person he had yet to see since high school graduation. Marinette Dupain-Chang. He was shell-shocked, not making any vocal advances, just allowing his crying to qualm some. "Marinette?" he questioned, looking at her like she was a saving grace from heaven above. The woman had several sacks in her hands, bent down to check on the sobbing man.

"Are you alright?" Marinette asked, eyebrows furrowing in worry.

"Not really, no."

"Is there anything I can do to help you out?"

By this point, Weiss cried out, small green eyes confused by his weeping Father and squirming from the discomfort of a dirty diaper. Both of their attention snapped to the baby satcheled to his torso. "This little guy is Weiss. He's my son with a woman who up and left us both and it's been taking a toll on me. His diaper's also dirty but there's no changing table I have access to, so I'm in the middle of a slight pickle," Adrien explained, hating to unload his crummy past onto an innocent woman such as Marinette.

"Let me take him to the bathroom so you have the chance to calm down, okay?" she asked slowly, not wishing to overstep her boundaries. He nodded, swiping the salty tears from his ruddy cheeks. Smiling, Marinette held the baby in her arms, grabbing the diaper bag from around Adrien's shoulders and heading to the women's restroom.

Once she was out of sight, Adrien moved himself from his crumpled position on the ground to an unoccupied bench. He breathed calmly, seeking an end to the pain and hurt a single person inflicted upon him. Finding enough forgiveness in his heart, he could feel the cracks of his heart filling with an unknown love. Maybe it came from the hiccupy giggle Weiss committed as Marinette stood cradling him a few feet away, bouncing him around her hip, chuckling with the small child.

It had been a long time since he saw her, and when he did, oh boy. He was enthralled. She was just as gorgeous as ever, noting the small feelings he might have had toward her senior year rise up from the pits of his mind. And she got to see Adrien's ugly crying fest just a few minutes ago.

Marinette continued to bounce him, making funny faces and sounds to please his tiny son. She even ruffled his blonde hair, smiling hugely at the little boy.

She returned, sitting next to Adrien on the bench, still holding Weiss. "I hope you don't mind my holding him. He's a carbon copy of you, you know," she said, still captivated by Weiss. "Of course not. Thank you for helping me, anyway. Who knows what would have happened had you not been there. So, enough of my sad stories. How have you been?"

She inhaled at the questioned directed toward her. "I've been mostly fine. Just hit a rough patch with finding work and other sadness of not being where I thought I would be by this point in my life, you know," she said, gazing up into his emeralds. "I know exactly what you mean." he whispered.

The air switched from casual to intimate, the two growing nearer and nearer. Adrien could feel her lip gently brush his own, sending chills down the expanse of his turgid spine. He was so close to tasting her; it was the most thrill he had felt in such a long amount of time.

Weiss giggled, reacting to the fast pace of Marinette's heart that tickled his shoulder. The moment was lost, but the two gained so much from it.

"I'm so sorry, Marinette. I didn't mean to be so forward and it's been a long time since I felt this way and since I've seen you and I-"

She chuckled. "It's alright, Adrien. Seeing you again has brought back... memories. And I'm not complaining." He shot her a face splitting grin, eyes drifting to his son that still sat in her lap. "He looks good with you," he whispered, admiring the little child.

She reached over and swiped a stray tear from Adrien's cheek, mumbling, "You look good."

Adrien blushed heavily at her comment. He cleared his throat. "Since you saw both my mess and my son's, how about I treat you to lunch?"

"Will there be cookies?"

"Oh I don't know. I thought we were trying to train."

Marinette laughed, handing Weiss over to him. "I still feel bad about how I acted back then. If only I knew you wanted one dang cookie..."

"It's alright, Mari. Now you have all the time in the world to make up for your past mistakes."

Standing up and smiling at him, she dusted her clothes off before becoming his very own bride just six months later.

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