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Animal - Neon Trees


Ladybug had gone through just about enough. That pesky, quick Chat Noir was at it again, stealing just about everything in his green little kitty sight. And it was her whole job to stop the crook from removing property that did not belong to him. Just when she was about to capture and apprehend him for his crimes, he would flirt around the seriousness of his sins. The sugary sweet talk used to distract her, not being used to the male attention he gifted her with. Now, it was just another technique he fostered, and she was nearly immune.

Last night, she had the cat boy cornered, waiting on the police to arrive and jail him. Chat Noir managed to escape by using a technique. Cat boy held her tantalizingly close, forcing her to think she could have lost her first kiss right there and then. He tricked her, the sneaky little son of a gun.

There the red heroine was, swinging her legs off the side of a building in frustration, playing the moment again on repeat inside her own head. She was trying to decipher what she would have done differently if the same exact situation arose again. Growing anxious, the dark haired girl picked at the material that coated her hands, wringing the fabric between her fingernails. How could she have been so dumb? That cunning black cat wants nothing romantic with her. There's no possible way. He just uses her vulnerability to sneak away.

Sure, the red blooded, daydreaming girl had fallen for the charming ways of the slick criminal. She couldn't help the raw attraction, no matter how else she tried to entertain herself. He was the one, single  person she needed to lock up, and she had failed. Maybe it was that she wanted to date this fellow, or maybe he was just a world class escape artist. There was no real way to tell.

"Something the matter, Bugaboo?"

Startling the overthinking super heroine, she jolted, turning around to track the voice that spooked her to begin with. All Ladybug could make out was a strongly built shadow and electric eyes. Cat eyes, to be specific. In all her two years of chasing this guy, she had yet to hold a legitimate conversation with him. That's what made the entire thing sticky. How could she have romanticized a person she had yet to properly speak with?

"I think you have a notion to some degree, Chat Noir."

The dark shadow chuckled, sending shivers down the wake of her spinal chord. "My escape from yesterday, perhaps?" Right on the money, Chat Noir, right on the money. "Something to that effect, yes," she answered, attempting to hold her tongue as to not give him extra satisfaction. "You're not going to try and rope me up right now, are you?"

"That, I am not."

"May I ask why that is?" Ladybug paused at his question, pondering the gravity of properly answering it. The girl rolled answers around in her mind. "I don't even have an explanation for myself." Nodding, he joined her on the lip of the building, leaving next to no space between their arms, hips and thighs. Ladybug's cheek grew red at the notion, at his severe closeness.

"You're not going to reject my nearness?"

"Even though I should, I won't."

"You're not going to oppose my kissing you, are you?"


The girl didn't even have the opportunity to answer, as she had so very casually fallen off the side of the building from the boldness of his questioning. It wasn't that far of a drop, but Ladybug still managed to sling her yo-yo upward, catching the circular plastic on a protruding gutter. The fall was not a graceful one, she ended up wrapped up in string, upside down.

Not making any move to realign herself to an upright position, Ladybug wallowed in the embarrassment she had endured in front of her long time crush. Intuitively, she thought he would have cackled at her and then fled the scene, but not before snapping a few pictures.

The heroine was dead wrong. What she received instead was the sound of a clink to her right. It was the end of Chat's staff contacting the concrete ground.

"Didn't ruffle your wings, did you Sweetheart?" Chat Noir asked, leaning against the nearby brick wall. Her face was enflamed in the color red. "C-Chat Noir?" she questioned.

"Yes, M'Ladybug?"

"C-Could you just maybe-"

"Ah! Yes, of course." The cat boy got to work, untangling her body with his gentle claws. Every so often, he would slow down, taking extra caution to brush his fingers against her frame, muttering apologies in her ear. The sneak was careful to purposefully draw close to her ear, sending his hot breath onto her skin.

"Sugar, I think my paws might be moving on their own. Either that, or I just can't help myself when I'm around you," he whispered boldly. Oxygen was caught in her windpipe at his confession. "I-"

Once again being cut off by unexpected circumstances, Ladybug's body was flung to the ground, having been released from her yo-yo's hold. Collapsing into a dotted heap on the concrete, she wondered when the embarrassment would end. "Sorry! I should have pried my eyes away from you to make sure you came down safely, but you're too heavenly."

"Is any of what you say real?" Ladybug countered. She needed to know if he was teasing or not. Her emotions depended on that much. "Of course it is. You're all my cat eyes notice."

Inhaling languidly, she stood up, looking into his soul, searching. "You haven't been flirting with or... entertaining other girls, have you?"

"Not a one."

"Is there anyway you can prove such a thing to me?"

"If I could bare my heart for you, I would. Instead, how about I make certain that you're not injured from your falling off a building?" Chat Noir suggested. She nodded in return, jumping at the chance to be cared for by him.

As he applied the last bandage to her shoulder, she asked, "So, why is it that you steal so much?"

"Ah, great question. I steal because it's a thrill. During the coarse of my daily life, everything is scheduled and planned by my authoritative Father. The second my mask attaches to my face is the second I'm free to do whatever. Taking things that don't belong to me gives me a sense of control. It's like this; I have no authority or means to remove others belongings, but I do it anyway."

"So it's just a glorified impulse?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"I see."

"Why do you try to stop me?"

Ladybug was patched up by this point, relishing the feeling of warmth of his touch. That, and the two were seated on a comfy park bench. "Because it's my duty to protect the interest and citizens of Paris. And I dislike when a person comes along and jeopardizes the happiness of others." she spoke, lowering her blue eyes from his.

"So, what you're saying is that we're opposites and you're attracted to me, despite the war going on inside of your pretty head. You want to return my romantic comments, but you're scared to. And I can understand that. What I don't understand is why you're so terrified to take the fall when you just dropped from a building. And what I really don't understand is why you don't seem to get that I'll be there to free you from your own strings. Every. Single. Time."

Every letter of the alphabet died in her throat. And she just couldn't help herself when she roughly grasped the stupid bell on his suit, tugged him near and enveloped his bottom lip between her own. Ladybug also couldn't help herself when she awoke with two choice hickies on her neck the following morning.

The two miraculous wielders had plans to go out on an actual date that night. Chat Noir also further promised that he would pay for any activities that commenced on their date, and not steal things.

Miraculous Ladybug: One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now