Chapter Thirteen

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Alicia's POV:

It turned out Ty really wasn't going to let me go. That night, he made sure I was sleeping next to him, and explained just before I drifted off to sleep that I would be "introduced" tomorrow. I fell asleep before I could ask what all that entailed.

When I woke up in the morning, I was met by a cold and empty bed, which after his previous possessiveness, I was not expecting. I stumbled out of bed with a rats' nest mess of hair and found my way down the stairs, yawning very loudly as I went. Once I reached the kitchen, I found Ty standing their, only wearing his shorts, his muscular body on display.

He turned around, hearing my heavy footsteps, and smiled. "Hey, I was going to take this up to you, but I guess it's good you're up."

"And why's that?" I asked, looking around the room, taking in it's vastness. 

"You're going to be introduced today."

"I know, you said that before, but what exactly does that all include?"

"Why, being introduced as the Luna to the pack, of course. And reuniting with your family."


I huffed, sitting down in the white dress I was wearing. Why, oh why, couldn't Ty understand I had to leave?! Then again, if I stayed it wouldn't be too bad...

Ugh! Stupid mate pull! I couldn't stay, it would harm my friends...

But what if Ty could save them on his own? He did have the pack to do it...

Anyway, before I could get too immersed in my thoughts, I was called out into the hall by my mate. He stood in dark wash jeans and a dress shirt, his hands in his pockets and his hair messy. A warm smile spread across his face when he saw me. "Are you ready to go?"

"I guess so." Nope. No way.

"Good." Just by the look on his face I knew he had seen right through my facade, but knew that there was no point in arguing. 

I was now going to be introduced to the pack.

And I was going to see my family again.


I thought I would see my family when I got on to the stage. Of course, though, Cody stopped Ty before he could make the announcement.

"Alpha, I apologize for the interruption, but if I may ask... what is going on? I think I should be informed, being your Gamma and all."

Ty looked annoyed, but saw my brother's point. In pack's, the Alpha's highest commands were notified about what was going on long before the rest of the pack. It was a tradition from when the packs were first created.

Ty's Beta knew that he had found his Luna, but wasn't aware of my true identity. I wasn't completely certain that this was what Ty would tell Cody, though. After all, he was my brother and deserved to know what happened to his sister.

"I found my Luna. I am going to introduce her to the pack today." Cody looked at me and smiled, obviously not realizing I shared the same blood as him. I returned a polite smile before turning back to face Ty, but he wasn't done speaking. "You and your family will get a private meeting with her afterwards."

Cody's face clouded with confusion, his stance becoming less confident. "Why?" He eyed me skeptically, his previous facade blown away and his true feelings revealed. I rubbed my arm sheepishly as Ty dragged me in the direction of the crowd. 

"You'll see."


Eyes. That was all I could see. The pack watched my every move as I stood beside their Alpha, something not many got the chance to do. From what I've heard, Ty is more closed off to everyone and is very strict and assertive in his ways.

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