Chapter Forty-Four

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Ty's POV:

I felt it when everything in her mind went blank. It was one giant burst of pain exploding in my chest.

I lost concentration on what I was doing, causing a weak spot to open up. One of the Rogues I was facing off against took that moment to snap at my leg. I growled, taking him down with one swipe.

We weren't going to let them win that easily. I took down the last few Rogues in front of me before I booked it over to where Ally was, a set of Rogues wandering around her unconscious form.

I stealthily crept forward, watching them and observing what they were doing. I didn't want to give away my position so that I could use the element of surprise. I didn't want to make a wrong move that my dear mate would pay for.

The Rogues seemed to want to watch her, not harm her like I had thought. 

Suddenly, I was taken down by two Rogues. I fought to push them down, but more piled on. I looked around, to find the rest of my Pack enduring the same fate. They were slowly slaughtering all of us.

No, I thought. I am not going to let them take me or my mate down!

I struggled to try and get up, but they kept me pinned. Surprisingly, though, they didn't try to kill me straight away. They wanted to keep me under their control, not kill me. It was like they were waiting for a bigger power to get here.

Bigger power... wait, were they waiting for the Rogue King? The one that ruled the Rogues from the shadows, that was the true puppeteer of this entire war?

No one had lived to tell what the Rogue King looked like. At least I hadn't heard anything. He was very secretive, giving his enemies a hard time finding his weaknesses. That was the thing I despised about him most - that I couldn't create a solid, absolute plan to take him down. Everything would have to improvised.

Suddenly, all of the Rogues went silent, bowing their heads as much as they could as they pinned us down. At the edge of the field, a looming, dark and ominous figure moved forward.

A cold sweat ran down my spine. From here I could even make out the red eyes. Although they weren't focused on me, I still feel like they can stare into my soul if they wanted to.

A low growl rumbled from somewhere deep inside my chest. The Rogues howled out, warning of my disrespect. The red eyes immediately met mine and the figure moved forward, passing all my pinned down men. 

At just a few feet away from me, he reeked of spoiled garbage. He wore a cloak and hood, which covered some of his face. I could still see the puckered scar that ran across his face, though, as he stared down at me with a sadistic grin. 

"Well, if it isn't the infamous Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack," he spat mockingly, "to what do we owe the pleasure?"

Since I was still in Rogue form, I simply snarled, not wanting to show him my submission. I was an Alpha, after all, and I was going to be his downfall.

"I see that you brought a lot of the Packs here. Very impressive, I must say. It just looks like it won't be enough to get you to a victory, huh?"

He stepped closer, his eyes zoning in on Ally. I struggled underneath my captors. No way was he going anywhere near my dear mate. I was thrashing about, and the King chuckled when he noticed. 

"Well, well, well, so the stories are true. Who would have thought - a Rogue and an Alpha being mates?"

I was raging. Alicia never would've been a Rogue had she not been kidnapped at a young age. Right now, she was a member of my pack, our unofficial Luna.

"Well, Alpha Tyler, I'm not going to fight against you if that's what you're thinking. And my men, in the next thirty seconds, are going to release you. I'd watch my back if I were you, though."

Watch my back? What was he talking about? Before I could react, the Rogue King waved a hand, causing everyone to back away from my mate. He snapped his neck, a sickening crack sounding. Ally began to stir.

I was released right after and ran straight to her. My wet nose ran the length of her neck, making her aware of my presence. Her head remained down, though, and her breathing increased. Confused, I took a step back to examine her. Before I got a good look at her face, though, I froze.

All of the Rogues around me - including their King - were standing in a circle around us, smirking. It was as if they were ready to watch a show.

"Well, Alpha, I hope you enjoy my secret weapon." The Rogue King spoke, gesturing to my mate.

Ally put her head up. But it wasn't her.

Her eyes were red, and she looked like she was ready to kill me.


Hey guys!

I know this chapter was slightly shorter, but the next one will be long, I promise!

Only about four more chapters! I can't believe that this book is almost over already!

So.... did you guess what the secret weapon was and get it right?

How do you think that Ty will get out of this situation. Let me know in the comments!

Don't forget to


-hexodus ;D

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