Chapter Twenty-Five

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Alicia's POV:

I couldn't see much, but I could see the blinding lights above me. I wasn't sure for how long I'd been out, but the last thing I knew happened was the guards swallowing me up, and me disappearing into the crowd.

I tried to move my wrists, or anything at all, but it was all strapped down. My eyes opened wide now, as I thrashed in my restraints, noticing I wasn't in the Omega Complex. Instead, it appeared I was in some kind of hospital room, strapped to the bed. Or table, whatever this thing was. 

I continued to pull on my restraints, and I could feel them getting looser. Well, that was until I heard worried, hushed voices behind me before I felt something sting my neck, and then my entire body went numb as I laid back down, my world going black.


"Get up."

My eyes fluttered open at the sound of the authoritative voice, feeling the need to comply. I gingerly sat up, my wrists aching for some weird reason. I looked up to find a man that appeared to be in his mid-forties with slightly graying hair standing next to a woman with a clipboard, taking notes. "Where am I?"

"You're in the Alpha Infirmary. Do you remember anything?" The man asked, his eyebrows scrunched together.

I rubbed my head thinking back. For some reason, though, all I drew was a blank. There was nothing but nothingness, and I couldn't recall anything, including my own name. "No. What's my name, why am I here?"

The lady started scribbling furiously, her eyes then turning to the man as she watched him carefully. "Your name is Kelly, and you are a high-ranking member of the army. You were viciously attacked by an Alpha of a pack, your biggest enemy. He almost killed you, if it hadn't been the soldiers of your team that saved you."

Although I had no recollection, my heart swelled in gratitude for those who had saved my life. "Where are they?"

"They died, the Alpha ordered his pack to tear them all apart."

Hot rage surged through my veins, my anger only growing larger by the second. "What can I do now, to avenge them?"

The man smiled, "I thought you'd never ask."


I walked past the cells of the prisoners-now-soldiers. Hank, the man who had been talking to me, informed me of the war, about how the Alphas had been asking for this ever since they threw people like us, the ones they called "outcasts" on the sidelines only to stomp all over us. And when I got word of what happened to my troop, oh, was I mad.

My new mission was to train with a new group of wolves, ones that had agreed to join and take down this pack. I was supposed to sneak in and start a surprise attack, before slaughtering every member, showing no mercy.

The one disadvantage I had was that since the attack, my wolf was killed. Normally, that meant that I would've been as good as dead, but of course, my troop died for me, which ended up saving me. 

"Commander K!" I turned around to see one of the reporting soldiers under me coming running forward, panting from an exhausting run across the complex. I had only been here a week, yet I knew the place like the back of my hand. "Hank wants to see you!"

I nodded, before heading into the office. This better be worth my time.

"Kelly, I'm so happy you dropped by. You were just the person I wanted to see!" Hank sat behind his oak wood desk, his face buried in the stacks of the mounting papers. 

"Hey Hank. What's up?"

"Today's the day you are going to be meeting the soldiers you are in charge of training." I couldn't help the grin that enveloped my face. My very own team! I could only hope that this group didn't die.

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