Chapter Forty-Five

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Ty's POV:

My throat ran dry as my brain tried to process what I was seeing. My beautiful mate with those red, beady eyes. I stumbled back a little, trying to regain my footing. This couldn't be right... this... was she the secret weapon?!

I turned around to stare at the Rogues, to see if this was some kind of big prank. I knew they were cruel, but to pit one mate against another...

I was taken down to the ground by surprise and looked up to find my mate on top of me, already shifted. She was snapping at my face, wanting to tear out my throat. No mercy. No look of regret - only malicious intent.

This wasn't my mate.

I wanted to fight back, but I knew I couldn't hurt her.

I kicked her off, wincing when I heard her body crumple with a thud to the ground before she jumped back up and brushed it off. I looked to Damion, finding him still struggling under a dog pile of Rogues.

"Get up and out of there. Currently, most of the Rogues are distracted by this. Use it to your advantage. Get the rest of the Pack out and give me back up." I mind-linked, causing him to freeze before meeting my eyes. He discreetly nodded and used a new tactic to get loose. I wasn't able to watch, though, before I felt claws scraping my underbelly. 

Howling in pain, I kicked her away. I tried not to hurt her - she was my mate, after all - but I just got a face full of claws, and watched as the blood trickled off my snout. Enough was enough. I knew that I'd have to render her useless before she could do any more damage to me or herself.

Formulating a plan, I ran towards the woods. The Rogues howled in laughter, thinking I was running in fear. Little did they know, I hid behind a tree, hearing Ally's pounding footsteps following me. 

When she got close enough, I jumped out, surprising her. Using that to my advantage, I took her dumbfounded form and slammed it against the tree, just enough to knock her unconscious. I cringed, knowing that I could've easily given her a concussion. No, I would have to deal with that later. Right now, I needed to get back to the main battle.

The one thing I knew, though, was that I couldn't just leave Ally's unconscious form in the middle of the woods. So, I picked her wolf up by the scruff of her neck and carried her to the nearest hollowed out tree, gently setting her inside.

Returning back to the main battlefield, I discovered that at least half of the Pack members were free, and more of the Rogues had fallen. In the centre of the chaos stood the Rogue King and some of the highest Generals, who were fighting off anyone that came near him.

I charged forward, only to be faced by another group of Rogues. I battled them off, but as soon as I had taken down them all, double the amount appeared, ready to take me on. At this rate, I was going to get tired out before I could even get close to taking down the Rogue King.

I still cleaned clear through the group of Rogues in front of me, before ten surrounded me. I attacked, taking down two at a time before the last two tried to take me down. One jumped onto my back, and the other attacked my front.

Suddenly, a Pack wolf ran through between all of us, knocking down the one in front of me, giving me time to kill the one on my back.

Breathing heavily, but trying to get it under control, I looked at the wolf that came to my aid. I was about to scold him through mind-link to mind his own business, but then I got a good look at his face. Although he was shifted, I could tell who he was by his eyes. It was Aaron, Ally's brother.

He was looking worse for wear himself. He had a trail of blood running down the side of his face, his eyes showing just how long he'd been awake, how much he had seen.

"You have to be the one to take down the Rogue King," he said through mind-link. "One of the wolves from Ally's mutiny group had stolen a vile of silver. Just enough to be deadly. You have to be the one to inject it into him. You have to kill him."

I nodded, going behind a tree and shifting and putting on shorts. I ran, getting the vile from where he said that it had been kept. I picked it up, noticing that it was conveniently in a syringe. It just made my work all that much easier.

My eyes locked on Aaron's, who was still shifted into his wolf. He glanced over at where the Rogue King currently was. Despite the fact that I was an Alpha, I was still going to have to be careful. Anyone could get torn apart in human form without any armour.

Moving swiftly, I got within five meters of the Rogue King before I was surrounded. That was when I realized how much of a wimp he really was - he couldn't even fight in his own battles!

I lunged forward, meeting claws against my chest. As if I wasn't already torn up enough...

"I need back up!" I quickly mind-linked some of my Warriors. They came to my immediate aid, doing their best to keep the Rogues around the King occupied while I made my way towards him.

With his defence group down, it gave me the perfect opportunity to slip in. I was just behind the Rogue King, ready to end him when he spoke. 

"Ah, Alpha, it looks like you finally got through my line of defence. Congratulations." He wasn't even looking at me - he was staring out across the battlefield. "I've despised all of you since day one. Living off in your perfect utopias, while you discard anyone that stands in your way, banishing them. You leave us to die like we weren't meant to be alive in the first place. Like we don't have lives, families - mates even. Pack animals are all sick creatures."

I didn't let his words get to me too much. He was the reason for this after all. "Just because you were never perfect and didn't get what you wanted doesn't mean you had a right to start any of this."

Knowing I had struck a nerve in him, I prepared myself as he spun around, fuming in anger. That all evaporated and his eyes widened at the sight of the poison. Before he could say anything, I stuck it into his neck, injecting as much as I possibly could. His eyes started to become glazed, and I could tell it was working.

Before I could watch him collapse, though, he turned and ran, like the weakling he was.

I wasn't about to let him get away, though. He was going to pay what he did to my Pack, my family, and my mate. 

I chased after him.


Hey guys!

Next update with hopefully *crosses fingers* be out tomorrow!

I can't believe there are only 3 chapters left!

Hold onto your seats, the ending is going to be kinda crazy!

Any thoughts on what just happened? Predictions or suggestions on what you think/want to happen?

Don't forget to


-hexodus :)

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