Chapter Twenty-Three

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Alicia's POV:

I couldn't believe it. Ty was here? As in the Electrical Room of the Omega Complex? It warmed my heart to know that he had come this far to get me because he cared, but it also frustrated me to no end, because it would only make this whole operation harder.

I felt Ty push me up against the wall, something that made Sarah purr in delight. Now wasn't the time for that, though, and I squeaked in surprise. "T-Ty?"

He froze, searching in the darkness. I knew he didn't believe it came from me, mostly because I was drenched in the smell of rogue. He snarled slightly, grabbing me by my throat and lifting me off of my ground. "If you hurt my mate, well, you're going to pay." 

I stayed silent, knowing that if I squeaked out anything, my entire plan to save my friends would be destroyed. So, instead, I laid limp as Ty tightened his hand around my air way, making my breaths short and raspy.

"Who are you, rogue?" His breath was minty on my face, and I held back the want to melt into his arms. I was strong, and I wasn't going to go down quite this easily.

And with that, I used his arm straight out to push myself up the wall, and kick him straight in the abdomen. There was no way that Sarah and I could take him down, since he was an Alpha and all, but we were also a Luna, and on top of that, a Gamma's daughter. 

The kick to his middle served as a surprise attack, though, one in which he had not seen it coming. The warriors in the room went crazy, trying to attack me for hurting their Alpha, but I was already launching myself from the wall to the table, and from there...

My path was cut off by a seething Ty, who looked like he wanted nothing more than to rip my head off. Knowing my way was now blocked, I did the only thing I could think of, diving under him. Since he had expected me to run away or take a direct hit at him, he had his legs wide in a fighting stance. I took advantage of this and dove straight through, causing him to freeze once again in surprise, but only for a split second. 

And that second was the one that allowed me to climb up his back and into the air vent before crawling away, unseen. When the men first entered the room, it was obvious they hadn't looked at the little details around the room, such as this escape route. The only reason that Ty and I had known exactly where the other was in the dark was because of our mate bond. But Ty didn't know that.

I knew that I had to get out of here, whatever the cost was.


A few minutes after crawling through the air duct, I could hear the sound of guards. They were complaining about the sudden power outage, as well as my disappearance. The one thing that caught my attention before I continued on was the one guard that had wanted to get me.

"I bet you that Sam's girlfriend was kidnapped and being held in one of the rooms down here in the basement." I bit my lip to hold back my comment. It was unbelievable that no one actually thought I could get out of here by myself.

I sighed, thankful that they at least hadn't found the pack. My mate and his warriors still had the advantage at this point. 

Now, if what Sam had said was true, all I needed was to tie up one of the guards, get caught trying to take vital information from him, and then I would be shipped off to one of the higher Complexes.

Deciding exactly who to pull from the group was the tricky part. If I took Sam it would be too obvious, but the rest of the guards were together in a huddle. None of them were stupid enough to stray too far from everyone else.

I made up my mind that I would tie up whoever I saw first, as soon as I found a holding room. I knew for sure I would practically be handing myself in if I entered the room with all the rogues, and my plan would fall apart if I went back to the Utility Room because my mate would be waiting to take me back.

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