Chapter Seventeen

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Alicia's POV:

It was now or never.

When the guard dragging me said that his boss was going to check to make sure I wasn't the runaway prisoner, he wasn't joking in the slightest. Instead of taking me to the cells like I had half expected him to, he hauled me in the direction of some meeting room. Just as we reached the outside of the doors, he mentioned something about it taking a moment.

And in that moment, with only looking around, I knew exactly what to do.

I skillfully moved my hands in such a way in the guards hold that he cried out, momentarily in pain. The minute his grip on me loosened, I was halfway across the room already, diving straight into the first thing I saw.

An indoor mud bog.

Once he had recovered from his shock, he turned to face me.

"So, I take it you like the mud bog Boss insists we keep. He uses it more for torture purposes, though. You know, dunking people in head first?"

I looked up in complete horror, but quickly masked it before he could realize what I felt. Did they actually torture people, though? If so, I wouldn't last long, that much was for sure.

Even through my shocked state, though, I still continued to lather myself in the horrid substance. All I needed to do was to mask my scent so that no one knew who I was, or what I was feeling.

At that moment, the door flew open and I fell back in surprise farther into the bog, almost completely submerging. When I finally came up and was able to get most of the reeking mud out of my face, I found myself meeting the eyes of the "Boss" of the Omega house. 

He was still on the younger side to be running one of these faces, with no wrinkles and rich brown hair. Not as amazing as Ty, though. Boy, no one could beat him.

I shook my head, trying to keep those thoughts out. The man before me had his nose wrinkled at the smell and overall sight of me, before he began to smirk.

"You were trying to hide yourself from me? Weren't you?"

I knew he would say this, so as I bit my lip (secretly hoping I had brushed all the mud off, and that it was sanitary to touch) I let my eyes tear up and my body tremble slightly. I knew I could pull off the scared look, and with the disgusting smell draped over me, my emotions were hidden. For now.

"I-I was pushed....." My voice came out in a hoarse squeak, and the 'boss'' eyes flickered over to the guard immediately. 

Me - 1

Guard - 0

"I - wha - she's lying!" He finally concluded after stumbling around with his words. "She dived right in, and...." 

Okay, if he was going to keep blabbering on about what he saw, this wouldn't end well. So, to break his side of the story short, I started blubbering about nothing and crying, tears cascading in a river down my face.

The boss huffed, before pinching the bridge of his nose. I couldn't imagine what kind of stress it would be to run something like this. After a moment of silence, he turned to the guard.

"I want you to clean her off before sending her to my office. Although, wait until she calms down. I don't have the patience to deal with her right now."

I smiled inwardly as I was dragged out of the mess and the guard put a ratty towel around me, effectively bundling me up. "I can't believe you," the guard mumbled under his breath. 

I just shrugged him off as he took me toward a hallway of cells. This was more like what I had been picturing. But in some ways, it was a lot more different than what I had spent that decade away in. These were left uncleaned, with garbage trashed all over the floor. The small cots were simply a piece of worn fabric stretched over brittle sticks. 

Luckily, none of these were my cell. I think the guard just wanted to walk me through here to scare me, most likely. By the time we got to the second story of the cells, the cleanliness in them began to improve, and I felt more relieved. 

When we arrived at my cell, I noticed one thing that was different here from the other place. Instead of having a small window at the very top and a viewing slat on the door, the entire front wall was purely made of iron bars.

I looked around before shooting him a confused look. "Yes, this is your cell. All our new people get it so that we can keep an eye on them. Don't act so surprised. With that stunt you pulled in there, you could be in here for much longer."

I rolled my eyes at his statement before he pushed me in, gentler than I had been anticipating before latching and locking the door. "Get cleaned up with the sink over there. And for the love of the Moon Goddess, stop with all the crying. You haven't been sentenced to death. Yet."

My eyes widened involuntary before I quickly averted my gaze, scrubbing my clothes in the sink, but only enough to remotely look presentable. My scent should still be full of that nasty odor so that no one would suspect a thing.

When I was done, I looked at myself in the old, cracked mirror. My face was brown in mud and dirt, I had dark bags under my eyes, and my hair was a complete rat's nest. Just great. But I really didn't care - I was around rogues after all.

Looking at myself, I couldn't help but wonder about Ty. About how he was taking everything. I knew I would have to be careful with who I let know who I was, because he would come to try and rescue me. But he still couldn't get that he wasn't going to be my prince charming - not every love story has to have a guy sweep the lady off her feet, the lady can do that to the guy, too!

I sighed, rubbing my temples. All this stress from all the recent events was starting to take its toll on me. There was only so much a person could take, even if you were a werewolf.

Not knowing what else to do, I looked around, trying to find something to do before the guard came back. 

That was when I saw it.

A poster.

Not anything fancy, just a 'Prisoner of the Month', award. Probably some barbaric thing the rogues here participated in. 

But there was something about it....

That's when I gasped.

It was a picture of my brothers, bound and gagged, sitting in the mud bog. The very mud bog I was in today.

My mind couldn't even begin to comprehend what I was seeing.

Looking further at every detail in the poster, I couldn't find an exact date. It looked like it was taken just after they were captured, they looked the same as I remembered.

Tears welled in my eyes when I realized it. I had found them! 

"Ugh. Don't tell me you're upset again. What was it this time? You realized you aren't going to get a king size bed?"

I shook my head, a stern look overtaking my features. The guard looked a little taken aback at my sudden change in moods. Before he could start complaining again, I spoke.

"Are they still here?"

And I waited quietly for the answer.


Hey guys! 

I promised a double update, didn't I?

I'm just on a roll today!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter.

So... such a cliffhanger, right?

I think most of you knew it was coming, though.

So, I was just planning out the rest of the story, and I was wondering....

If ( and this is 'if'!) Ty and Alicia somehow run into each other again, should Ty accept what Alicia did?

Please think this through before answering, because your comment may change the course of this book!

Don't forget to


-hexodus ;3

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