Chapter Fifteen

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Ty's POV:

I ran a hand over my face as I sat alone in my room, thinking. I knew it was important to give Alicia some personal time, but I couldn't help but feel a dark feeling nagging at me. One more minute, I'd give her just one more minute...

But in less than a minute, one of my guards, the one I had posted outside of my precious mate's door, burst into my room. "Alpha," he said hurriedly, keeping his gaze locked on the floor. I growled lowly, not wanting him to disturb me right now. "Your mate is gone, she jumped out the window, sir."

"What?!" I was angry, no, I was raging. How could she do this? Wait, what if she was kidnapped? A thousand senerios ran through my head as I frantically gestured for the guard to continue.

"The only thing she left behind was a letter." A letter, a stupid letter! I wanted to tear down the entire building in aggravation. My mate, Alicia, suddenly feels like she can just get up and leave after some news from a stupid letter?!

Losing my patience at an alarming rate, I grabbed the note from him and scanned through it with clenched teeth. Only when I got to the part addressed to me specifically did I slow down.

Mate - Ty, I am sorry that even though we just got reunited, our paths will have to break off once again. I just can't stay.

I shook my head. Of course she could stay! How many times did I tell her I would protect her, that she couldn't be touched here?!

 I think seeing through my parents' eyes really showed me that. 

My wolf growled at me, and I couldn't help but agree. If we hadn't waited a minute, that one minute, then we would have stopped her from going through with this crazy plan!

If you try to hunt me down, you will only be harming me, your pack, and yourself. So whatever you do, don't follow me. Let me be, this is what I want to do with my life, and mate or not, you can't stop me. Love, Ally.  

I growled. The hell I couldn't stop her! I almost forgot that I wasn't alone in the room until the guard spoke once again. "Alpha, sir, what would you like me to do?"

A smirk formed across my face slowly. Alright, if she wanted to run, so be it. But that didn't mean I wasn't going to play along and not chase after. "Arm the warriors and trackers - we're going after her."


Alicia's POV:

I ran through the brush, my endurance starting to run low. I kept going, though. Even when I met briar patches and rose bushes, I continued on. 

Soon, I made it to a clearing. From what Sarah was telling me, no one appeared to have been here for a good while, so I decided to give the chase a rest. Just when I began dozing off, though, I heard a marching. And from the sounds of it, it sounded like about thirty wolves. 

But what were they doing here, just outside of the Blood Moon territory?

Suddenly, the biggest one stepped forward, or from what I could see through the bushes, and a horrid, putrid smell filled the area. Rogues. In wolf form, my canines flashed at the thought of such vile things. 

Soon, the whole group of them shifted and slipped on a collection of worn shorts and shirts, and that was when I realized who they were. This was the deadliest generals under the leader of the rogues, and a portion of his assembled army. Crouching low, I was able to watch them sniff out the area. 

Just as I was about to move into a spot with a bit more cover, one of the rogues found me and dragged me out from hiding by the scruff. I tried biting their fingers, but to no avail.

"Sir, look what we have here," the man who caught me said with a smirk, causing me to whimper at his horrid stench. 

"Very good, this was just too easy." Yes, it was. I was going to get into the Rogue camp and leave with my friends in tow. Well, that was before we were ambushed. 

Before I could even blink or process what was happening, I was tossed onto the ground, as a pile of wolves attacked the man holding me. He shifted into his wolf, however, and gave the group a run for their money. Now that I looked around, an endless sea of wolves were charging into the field, with only the intent to hurt these specific wolves.

It could only mean one thing.... Ty was here.

Looking over, I saw his enormous black wolf watching me, relief flooding his eyes when he noticed I was unharmed, completely safe. Just as he was about to run towards me, I was scooped off the ground as a jagged blade was held to my neck, causing me to whimper.

"Well, well, well. Looks like Alpha doesn't like where this is going."

Ty shifted and put on a pair of shorts before speaking. "Give me back my Luna, or my pack will attack you with no mercy."

"Yes, well if you do that, I'm afraid I'll have to kill her, here on the spot. How does that sound?"

I watched as Ty's gaze flickered between me and the Rogue General who held the knife to my throat. No one dared to move.

"Yes, well, you see....." As the general droned on, I drowned his voice out, as well as all the other noises around me. Focusing in on him specifically, I was able to tell that during his speech, his attention was fastened on his audience, not on the ones around him. He was a powerful force, but this was one crucial flaw that didn't allow for him to become king. 

So, while he was busily talking, I began to roll around in his arms, which ended up with my transfer to a smaller rogue, who, while the general was mid-speech, was quite easy for me to take down.

But as soon as all four of my paws had touched the ground, the wolf began to cry out in an alert. I barred my teeth and my ears became pinned back against my head as I charged forward, snapping his neck in one clamp.

Some of the rogue guards lunged at me, and the Blood Moon warriors lunged at them in a frenzy. I hightailed it out of there while the fighting commenced, most of the wolves not knowing even what they were fighting for.

Just as I passed by the last set of bushes before I was in the clear, I heard a voice to my right, causing me to duck down almost immediately.

"Where is she?!" The frantic voice of my mate pierced the air, causing me to have to subdue Sarah's cry to him. She wanted to comfort him, to let him know we got away. But if we did that, he would be in more danger, which wouldn't really be doing any of us a favor at the moment.

"Alpha, we believe she got away. No body has been seen, and the Rogues seem to be searching for her."

"Then I want you to find her before they do!"

And with that, I popped out of the brush and resumed my sprint, leaving the pointless fight behind. I was still going to get my friends, even if it meant stumbling 'accidentally' onto the rogues' doorstep.

Now, there was no going back.


Hey guys!

Sorry I haven't updated in like forever! I've been super busy!

So... how many of you guessed they would all end up in the same place like this? Let me know in the comments!

I hope you liked the new chapter! And for all of you who read "Last of the Alphas", I will be taking it down to completely rewrite it.

Don't forget to


-hexodus ;)

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