Chapter Thirty-Five

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Ty's POV:

It had been two days since our last encounter with Sam, and nothing much had progressed, other than us worrying more about the secret weapon. No matter how much I told everyone we could overtake it, a lot of the men with me still doubted it.

I had gotten a report back from my pack that the full army had been practising a lot more to prepare for battle, and that the rest had been packing up supplies. They thought that since the battle would be starting the minute the rogues or we declared war on each other, they could easily make it up in a day's time.

Aaron hadn't received much word on the happenings in the Rogue Complex, but I knew that something big was preparing.

My wolf and I were both restless at the fact that we hadn't heard anything from our mate. Worrying about it right now was futile so I did the best I could at pushing it to the back of my mind.

Since we had stayed in the same spot for most of the time that we had been here, I made the executive decision to go around to a different side. Without the immediate aid of Sam, we weren't sure how heavily guarded it was, or if there were any troops patrolling at the time. We'd have to take our chances.


An hour later, we had already made it to a different side of the building, exactly how far around the whole Complex, I didn't know. This one appeared to have more guards patrolling it, and had a large gate on the front, where supply trucks appeared to be entering. I knew that if we could hijack a few of the trucks, we could make a problem for the Rogues, but it also increased our chances of being caught.

Damion must've seen my indecisiveness, and what it was about because he simply shook his head 'no'.

I looked to all my men, even the ones that were from the Blood Red Pack - who had apparently been offering my pack at home lots of aid - and mind-linked them.

"We are going to have to be on high-alert. This part of the Complex is heavily guarded, and I have no doubt that there are troops walking around out here. We want as little involvement as we can out here so that we can get in and out with information. Do I make myself clear?" A chorus of, 'Yes, Alpha's rang through my head in response.

With that, we headed out a little farther in the woods. I wanted to make sure that the Rogues hadn't mobilized yet and were on the way to attack the packs. My main goal was to wrap up our party in the next few days and send for reinforcements to take them down.

As we came to a more dense part of trees, a branch snapping made my head turn up and senses heighten. We had basically walked into a trap.

In front of us, camouflaged by the trees and scents hidden since the entire forest stunk of them, were a troop of Rogues, about the same size as my own. The General leading them looked shocked as well and took a double take at the sight of me.

Just by watching him, I knew he was about to yell, and alert the surrounding forces. Before he could even move, though, one of my highly trained warriors was already behind him, and as if reading my mind, swiftly broke his neck with his strong jaws.

The Rogue soldiers were an unorganized mess without their leader, and some even tried to make a run for it.

"Don't let any get away," I quickly mind-linked, jumping and shifting in mid-air to lunge at the rogue closest to me. "Word of our appearance spreading could be the reason why we lose this war."

Within a matter of seconds, we were already shifted, but so were the rogues. This is how they fought - dirty. So why not play them at their own game?

I had already killed five of the Rogues, but just as I was going at another one, a rogue slid underneath me and tried to claw my soft underbelly. A feral growl ripped through me, and I let my wolf take control. He quickly flipped us around and clawed at the opposing wolves face, before snapping his neck.

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