Chapter Thirty-One

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Alicia's POV:

I hurried down the hallway, determined. I knew that when the bell rung for soldiers and guards rung, it didn't necessarily apply to recruits. And some of those recruits were some of the people I knew best.

I hoped that I could keep up my facade as "General Kelly" just long enough to get in and out with some of the key figures in my mutiny: Marcus, Maria, and Leo. I bit back my smile at the thought of seeing my friends again, knowing I would have to stay serious. 

As I made my way down to the lower living quarters, where the wolves were packed together more, I heard a voice that made me freeze on the spot. "General Kelly, so good to see you down here."

Telling myself to breath in and out, and to not be tense, I spun around, plastering a fake smile across my face. "Hank, what a pleasure to see you."

"Let's cut to the chase," Hank said, his face dropping from a pleasant one to a serious one. "What are you doing down here?" He must have seen the shock at his sudden mood swing plastered across my face, and he sighed. "Sorry that I seem to snap lately, but as you've probably heard, security has increased. I know that you are looking forward to creating your own arm-"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have decided that I want to train my own group." At the look of hesitation on his face, I continued. "Hank, you can't expect me to sit here and know that that merciless Alpha is currently slaughtering people when I could be doing something about it. Now, I might not be able to fight on the field but I can at least train others who can."

I didn't mention the part about me not every having military grade training, but it seemed like he completely overlooked that. "Okay, when the soldiers get back, why don't-"

"Actually, I was going to train some of the people that are down here."

"'Down here'? Is there a particular reason for that?" He raised one eyebrow in suspicion. 

To not draw attention, and hoping it worked, I quickly spun up a lie that easily and swiftly slid off my tongue. "The last time I went out with my troops, I saw them struggling with their training. I've thought of a good few techniques to teach that could whip them into shape in no time."

When Hank finally couldn't hold an argument against my cause anymore, I thanked him, and headed down the stairs, eager to find the path that would lead me to my friends.

After I had seen them when I had lost my memory, I knew that someone how I had known them at one point, whether I had remembered them or not. I had tried to look them up on the Rogue Complex system without seeming suspicious, but I was at a loss without knowing their names or the ID numbers everyone had. The basic information I had gotten a hold of, though, was enough to tell me that they were on a lower level training group - one that would be easy getting too.

As soon as I reached the open archway of the downstairs training room, I knew that I had made it. Most of the soldiers slept in bunk rooms together with their troops, and the generals, like me, had our own suites. One group was already training in there, and from what I could tell, they weren't doing so hot.

"You will never do this! How can I expect any of you to ever make it on the battlefield?!" I heard the Commander yell, seconds before I appeared in the doorway, watching carefully as I spotted Marcus, Maria, Leo and a few other familiar faces. Marcus, since he worked for the rogues, was one of the Commanders of the group, but he still didn't hold that much power over the general leading them. All my friends looked run down - their hair strewn in all directions, somber expressions on their faces, and lines under their eyes from lack of sleep.

The general was a different story. He was a lanky and skinny man, his front two teeth sticking out slightly. His dirt brown hair was slicked back, and he couldn't have stood over six foot. Everyone in the room was covered in a layer of sweat, but as soon as they sensed my presence, they all froze, and turned around. 

Even the general who commanded the group was a lower rank than me, and his eyes widened when he saw me. "G-General Kelly," he stuttered, his once red-face from screaming now white and pale. "What are you doing down here?" All the soldiers' looked like they were going to crap their pants as they looked at me, shifting their weight from foot to foot. 

"As you probably know, I am not taking my troops out on routine missions. So, I am taking over training this troop." 

The General looked shocked, and his jaw hung open. "No, no I'm in charge of it."

"See how far you've gotten it so far?" I asked, gesturing to everyone. "So, I'm going to whip them into shape. Plus, if it means anything to you," I suggested taking in his unconvinced look, "Hank allowed this."

"He did?" The General stuttered, starting to back away. He knew better than to mess around with a bunch of higher ups, seeing as he didn't have that much power and would be easy to take down.

"Yes, it was an order, in fact."

The man stumbled into his office space. I knew he would be gone for a while, calling to verify and find a new assignment.

At first I felt bad. I mean, I was taking this guy's job. Seriously speaking, though, he was a rogue, and was training these wolves to kill my pack. I turned to the troop, which now taking them in, they looked like a bunch of weaklings. Some in the front were even shaking at the sight and power radiating from me.

"Everyone," my voice boomed. "You are now my new recruits. I am taking you under my wing to get the training you need."

"But why take in us?" Leo asked, trying to look brave. Maria gave him a sympathetic glance, and I knew we were both thinking the same thing - no matter what kind of front Leo put up, he wasn't brave.

"I took you in, because you needed the training." I looked around, gauging everyone's expressions, ranging from in awe to fearful. "And, because I am here to teach you something that no one else can." I advanced towards Maria and Leo. Everyone froze, the scent of fear plentiful in the air. Since they didn't know I had my memory back, they were still, eyes wide.

"We're taking down the rogues."


Hey guys! Long time no see!

Sorry for the delay! I honestly don't know when the next chapter will be up.

What do you think is going to happen? Will the Pack's Plan work, or will the Rogues win?

First off -

I have not given up on this book. I will finish it, no matter what. The next priority after this will by Wanted by the Witches, and then onto some new stuff - so stay tuned.

Second -

My life has been kind of hectic and busy lately, hence my weird update schedule. I know I promised to finish this book early numerous times, but it might take a little longer. I will have it done - for sure - before the end of the year, even if it is on December 31st!

Third -

Thank you guys so much for your support - without it, I don't know how I would've managed to get this far! I know that this isn't a best-selling novel out there, but by getting these stories knocked out, it will only get better in the future.


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