Chapter Eighteen

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Alicia's POV:

"Are they still here?"

The guard looked at me suspiciously. I could tell he was trying to figure out what had caused my sudden mood swing.

"Why are you interested?"

I sucked in a breath, contemplating. Of course, if I told him who they were to me, I would never see them again. But if I.... if I played dumb, maybe I could find them, once and for all. Yes, that was what I would do.

"I just don't want to end up like them. What did they do?"

The guard seemed to visibly relax. He rubbed the back of his neck before he focused his attention on the poster. "You don't have to worry about ending up like that, as long as you follow the rules."

I bit my lip, debating how I could get more information out of him without being seeming suspicious. Then I spoke, my voice quivering slightly, fear crawling steadily up my spine. "H-how did they end up in there? What did they do?" I repeated.

The guard frowned at this, before unlocking the cell door. "That isn't something I can just go around saying, now can I?" He then did a quick look over at my-still-dirty attire. "You look like you cleaned up somewhat. The boss is getting impatient, he still wants to meet with you."

He re-shackled my hands before dragging me behind him down the halls, back to the mud bog outside of the office. The guard then knocked on the door, before turning to me. "The boss is ready to see you. And don't do anything stupid; the boss is already peeved as it is."

And with that, I was pushed forward into the meeting room, ready to face my fate.

When I entered, the same man who had appeared when I was in the mud was there, except this time he was standing behind a rather large wooden desk, a frown permanent on his face.

"Sit," he ordered, and I knew better than to disobey. Yet.

I sat down in the leather chair, as he sat in his, only a desk between us.

"Now," he said, sharpening a dagger he happened to have lying around. "You are going to answer my questions, and truthfully."

I nodded, sucking in a breath. 

"Who are you?"

"I go by A. I'm not a member of any pack."

He didn't look pleased with the answer, but went along with it anyway. "And why are you here... I know for a fact, even though you hid your scent well, that you are a part of a pack. Don't lie again."

I made my face blank as I continued. "I was caught passing through."

He nodded, looking down at the dagger in his hand. "Is that so? Well, Miss Ally, it appears you have been lying to me. And I don't do well with lies."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I said, hoping to make my fear look like confidence. I kept my poker face on, knowing that any sliver of emotion could give away my exact motive. I had been living with rogues long enough to know that they would say stuff like this to trick you into sharing the whole story.  

The boss' eyes narrowed as he scrutinized my face. I held his stare, and finally he sat back sighing.

"Guard, take her back to her cell."

I turned to see the same guard enter the room before pulling me by the chain between my hands as he dragged me back to my cell.

When we got there, he threw me in before locking the door tightly. "Why did you lie?" He asked.

Rescued by the Rogue [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now