Chapter Forty-Seven

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Ty's POV:

The wolf that had attacked me was down on the ground. Their heartbeat going faint until it was entirely gone. I held my breath. I don't quite know what I had been expecting. That suddenly she would just pop up, her bones all put back together.

I waited, my muscles tense. My Ally, she had to come back. She had to wake up - she just had to.

"Alpha-" Damion tried to break the painful silence, the one that was slowly crushing me.

"No," my response left in a hoarse whisper. This couldn't be. In my time fighting her, I never thought that if I killed the thing inside of her the wrong way that there was a possibility of killing her as well. "No," my voice got more panicked and I was on the brink of hyperventilating. My hand cradled her cheek, but it was cold. Cold and lifeless.

After all this work, after all this time, I finally had my mate. But she was gone, dead. I wasn't sure how I was going to move on. If I was going to move on.

The Rogues, or at least the ones that had heard of my plan and opposed to it, took that moment to try and escape. A few of the Warriors held them back though. They weren't going to get away that easily. 

"Alpha," one of my highest Warriors spoke, who also had some training in the medical field. He rested a hand on my mate's cheek, shaking her head. "I'm sorry, but we've lost her. She's gone."

"She can't be!" I yelled, anger and despair clouding my vision and thinking. "My mate is still alive, somehow!"

"Alpha Ty, we need you to say your last goodbyes - we are going to have to take her with the rest of the dead bodies we will have to take back."

I growled, tugging her lifeless body to my chest. "No, you aren't going to touch her."

"Alpha," his tone raised slightly before he breathed out a sigh, sympathy prominent in his eyes. "I know that it's hard, but you're in denial. She just died. I wish there was something we could do, but -"

"You're sure there isn't any way I can bring her back?"

He shook his head sadly. "Let's take a walk."


After setting my mate's body with some of my trusted Warriors to keep watch, I walked with the doctor.

"A lot of our wolves died in this fight. If I could bring them back, I would, honestly, but..." He paused, sadness washing over his features. I followed his gaze, gasping slightly.

Sam hovered over his brother's body, tears streaming down his cheeks. His voice was muffled by sobs. Aaron's skull was cracked open, too much blood loss had been the end of him. Around them were more of my own pack members, as well as some Rogues from the Mutiny group. I was going to make sure they got a proper burial along with the rest of the Pack wolves.

After all, they had fought alongside us, and with my mate...

My mate. Just the thought of her and unshed tears filled my eyes to the brim.

"I'm so sorry Ty. If there was anything that could be done to bring our Luna back," he said before pausing, eyes widening in realization.

"What? What is it?!" I growled.

"Have you marked her yet?"


"I said - have you marked her yet?"

I shook my head sadly. I hadn't gotten that much time with her before she had left to go on this mission, to save her friends. 

"That's it!" His eyes lit up, and he ran back to the spot where we had left Alicia. "If you haven't marked her yet-" He suddenly stopped, staring at her corpse. I willed my eyes to look at her, too. Her skin was a sickly blue, her lips going purple. "We must hurry!"

"What? What can I do? Can we save her?"

"You need to mark her, before its too late. Your Alpha powers, once bonded to her, will help her pull through."

I didn't need to be told twice. I carefully pulled her off the ground and sat down. I sat her on my lap, positioning her so that her legs wrapped around my waist. I kissed her, feeling a pang of sadness when I got no reply. I pushed the fact that she was dead, or almost there as I continued. 

I moved from her mouth and started planting wet kisses down her neck until I met the conjunction where her neck and shoulder met. I would've loved to hear her moan when I reached a point like this, but having her alive, possibly, was good enough for me.

Not wasting any time, I sunk my canines into her neck, as deep as they would go. The deeper I made the mark, the stronger it would be.

Marks, when done right, were normally supposed to put a mate to sleep. In our case, if Alicia could pull through, she would be put through a temporary comatose state while he body healed with the help of my Alpha powers.

"Alpha, listen."

I opened my ears, sticking my head against her chest.

Thud-thud. Thud-thud.

It was faint and slightly irregular, but it was there. That was all that mattered.

I shifted, pulled her onto my back, and ran. I was going to do my best to save her. I only had one chance, and I couldn't afford to screw something like this up.


Hey guys!

I cannot believe it - one chapter left! YAY!

So, do you think Alicia will pull through? Let me know in comments!

Don't forget to


-hexodus :)

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