Suspended and Abuse

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I continued laughing until a voice is shouted behind me, "THAT'S ENOUGH!!''. I turned to see my principal, Ms. Treviso singling me to come with her, "My office, now Ms. Black! The rest of you, go to your class right now!'', announced Principal Treviso. Everyone ran to their class and I followed Principal Treviso to her office. I sat on the chair facing towards her desk as Principal Treviso explained,''Ms. Black, what I saw that fight back there is massively horrifying! How did all of this happen?'', she asked. "Well first off, Jamie tripped Summer as she was making fun her and everyone else. I've tried to stop this, but then Melissa tripped me too and everyone was laughing and make names at me. I don't know what to do, so I completely snapped out and started to beat Jamie, Melissa, and Alexis. No offence, ma'am, I don't know what came over me and going insane. Maybe none of this is my fault!'', I explained. "This is all your fault, Ms. Black! You had beaten three poor girls with bruises and scars on them! You have been became a bully.'', stated Principal Treviso. "But miss, the three popular girls are bullies, too. They picked on me, Katie, Hannah, Miranda, Gabriel, and Summer like it was nothing!'', I explained. "I understand Ms. Black, but beating is not the way to treat bullies. Everyone knows that'', recited Principal Treviso. "But I can take of myself--'' I was cut of by my principal as she says ''No excuses for now. I'm going to call Jamie, Alexis, and Melissa to take them to the nurse's office and I'm afraid to suspend you for 2 months''. Two months?! That's like 40 days of suspension after all that beaten for revenge! *Sighs* I deserved it. I got completely out of control to hurt the JAM girls because I just want to teach them a lesson for hurting me and my friends.

I went to my locker to pack all of my stuff to stay at home for two months straight and learning my lesson. I went to my principal's office again to wait for my mother to pick me up because Principal Treviso called my mother what happened at the big fight and I got suspended for two months. I wait for like a half hour until my mother arrived. She glared at me like I am trouble for the fight and followed her to the car. I sat in the front seat in silence not talking to my mother or else she'll yell at me. When we got home, me and my mother glared at each other waiting for my explanation to tell her what or why I did have a fight. "Well, care to explain?'', she ask. I still sit on the couch in silence. "Well mother, you see-''. I got cut off by my mother. ''Do you have any ideas why you started a fight?!'', she yelled. "Mother, Jamie is the one who caused the fight. I was snapped out of my mind. I don't know what I'm doing!'', I argued. "Your principal told me you'd gone insanely mad to stand up to the bullies! Sweetie, why won't you tell me right before?!'', mother asked and yelled. "I told you so many times when I was 12 years old, mother. I can take care of myself! I'm not your adorable child anymore. I'm 17, and I make my own decisions!'', I argued. "But you're still my child and I can also take care of YOU! You are still my innocent little girl whose own mother must be protective and be responsible for it! I mean, look at your bruise! Do you have any ideas how long it's gonna heal?!'', she yelled at me and asked me. We argued for the past five minutes about responsibles I can take care of, but no, my mother is still taking care of me like I'm 5 again. "You don't have to treat me like I'm the toddler, mother. You had gone overreacted ever since I was in kindergarten!'', I shouted at my mother. She paused quietly for three seconds and then turned at me with her head down. "Are you saying I'm your babysitter?'', she asked. I replied no and explained more until I was cut off AGAIN by her hand that she's about to slap me. "THEN SHUT YOUR FREAKIN MOUTH!!", she cried. Instead, she scratch across my right cheek with her sharp nails, leaving a smile-like scar on my face. By her razor sharp nails, my scar is bleeding, but luckily, it's not dripping down my cheek. "You are so grounded for the next two month! That means no tv, no inviting your friends over, and no going to parties!!", she yelled. "Mother, wh-why?'', I whispered in a tearful voice. She did not responded my question, so I talk back "Oh, I see what's going on now. You are an overprotective women. You always yell whenever I miss curfew. You don't love me the way I misbehave, don't you?! Well, I hate you now! I HATE YOU!!!," I yelled back at my mother. I ran to my bedroom when I ignored my mother calling "Karoline Sweetie Black, you get over here right now!"

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