Secrets P.2

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"Ok let's do this one more time, F/N GO!!" F/N ran around dribbling the ball perfectly, then as she ranup to the hoop, she jumped, shot the ball, but didn't make the basket,"Oh it's ok F/N you can try again next time K" James said as he gave her an high five. "Ok Y/N it's you turn remember what I taught you" James said cheering you on, you then look at the ball thinking,'what if I don't make basket either' as you thought to yourself you then remembered of your training, and heard everyone cheer you on and all of this filled you with 'S/T'. You ran dribbling the ball with perfection, once you got to the basket you jumped, but you didn't stop you then dunked the ball in the basket, you then hopped down and landed on your feet, you turn around to see everyone around you had all of their jaws dropped, you thought that they were all broken so you waved you hand at them to get your attention and gainfully you did, but you got more attention than you thought."OMG THAT WAS INCREDIBLE","OH LOOK AT MY BABY BEING AN PERFESIONAL","THAT WAS AWESOME Y/N" you were then picked up by James and put you on his shoulders, he then looked up at you and said," I'm so proud of you, I can't believe that you made you first dunk, Heh, congratulations, N/N" you were so happy that you literally glowed F/C. And you all started walk home cheerful and talking about how you made your first dunk.

Time Skip to your house and your in your bed asleep

As I slept I had an dream of what seemed to become reality later on.You then woke up to the smell was the scent of......' Wait is that burning wood' you then look up to see that there was an fire starting in you home, you then ran up stairs to go warn the others, when everyone ran down the stairs to get to safety, right as everone was at the front door, F/N,and her/his mom got out of the house, but me, James, and mom. I was behind the both of them trying to stay safe, as boards of fire wood block the enterance my mom and James try to find an another way out, I then looked up to the sound of breaking wood, and that's exactly what it was. It was one of the stands that kept the house up it was about to fall and*GASP* their directly in the way of it, as it started to fall I had no choice but to push the both of them out the door as hard as I can. The stand then landed right on my back breaking it instantly,"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! !!" I screamed in pain from the impact of the stand crushing you." Y/N" You heard an alot of voices scream out you name, but you could rarely hear them from everything falling to the ground. As you were still in the building you were starting to black out, then you passed out. As you were passed out an another stand was about to fall, but it was right above your head, it started to fall and you were then halfway awake trying to fight for your consciousness, as you were doing that you see that the stand was falling towards your head you then covered your head waiting for death to come, but *CRASH*"AAAHHHH!!!" you looked up to see your mom blocking 1000 pound from crushing you. She then looked at you with intense pain and an tear on her face. You then saw James run in and lift the stand off of your back which took about 2 minutes to do. He got the stand off of you and he lifted you up carefully knowing that you have had to broke something. But as he carried you, and as you had only a little consciousness, but everything was blurry so all you could see where blobs of color.

I wake to the sound of my little girl screaming that theres an fire, so me and the others ran downstairs as fast as we could. The only people that made it out was F/N, and her mom while me, Y/N, and James were still inside. We tried running out of the door, but we were then blocked off by falling fire wood, it would be too dangerous for us to jump over, so then me and James were trying to find an way out as Y/N got behind us in fear. That was until me and James were suddenly pushed out the door with incredible strength, we all hear an blood curtling scream coming from the inside I look around to find Y/N but she wasn't there and then I realized that she was in the building,"Y/N" I screamed as everyone else screamed the same thing." I'm going back inside of there!!" I said with anger and fear," I'm going in with you." James said, the both of you started to run inside, as I was running I finally got to Y/N, but she was passed out with an stand on top of her,'NO!!" I say to myself, I then look up to see an another stand much bigger than the one on top of her and it was heading directly for her head. I then ran in the way of the stand and it landed on my back,"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in pain as the stand shattered my back and broke my legs from the impact. I then hear Y/N squeal a bit looking me with an alot of worry, I then look at her and smiled painfully. I then hear footsteps from behind me and I see James running to Y/N and picking up the stand off her back and carefully lifted her up but he then stopped to look at me worried as I stand there with blood flowing out of my mouth and sides. Everything started to go black until*fwoosh!* and ball of fire hit the stand powerfully and broke it in half. I then fell to the ground in pain, couldn't move, but I was faced up so I could see who it was and I saw an goat like woman and an another goat like goat like creature but with an beard. The woman looking one picked me up and ran out the door and the other one protected James and Y/N as we left the area, the goat lady placed me on the ground and asked," are you alright my child?"," No, I back is shattered and my legs are broken" I said trying to not to move, " me and my family saw what you and that young man did, your very brave" she said and gave me a smile," thank you" you then saw the goat man carry Y/N out of the building, but then realized that James wasn't nowhere to be seen, you got worried,"WAIT WHERE'S JAMES!!!" You said and everyone started to look at the building.

I then saw an ball of fire go over my mom and break the heavy stand that was on her I then see too blobs of different looks, one had an female like body and the other one.... has an beard...I think. We all started to run out of the door, until I hear James,"Oh wait sir please take her to safety I have to grab something very important" James said and ran before the blob man could stop him. Some wood started to fall warning us that the place was about to collapse, so the blob man ran out of the house and placed me next to my mom and F/N, but then hear my mom," WAIT WHERE'S JAMES?!" She yelled making everyone look at the building with worry."*GASP* JAJA!!" I screamed as I tried to get up and started to crawl to the building, but before you got to the door**BOOM!!!!!** The whole building exploded and the impact of it blown you away and you landed on your back and hit your head which made you passed out.

Time Skip
You then wake up squinting your eye from the very bright light of the area your in. You then open your eyes to hear the sound of an....'Wait is that an heart monitor' you look around to find yourself in an hospital bed, then look at yourself and your in hospital clothes you then felt something wrap around your body and you felt an slight pain on your back, you lift up your clothes and spotted an bandage wrapp go around your body. You then hear the door open and you see F/N and her/his mom. F/N ran up to you and have you an big hug sort of hurting your back," Oh! I'm sorry about that it's just that I got so worried about you" she/he said as an tear fell down their delectable cheek," Oh no it's ok, I-I'm fine." You say in an calm voice. Then the doctor and an nurse came into the room." Oh you're awake good that means that we don't have to an another back transplant" the doctor said with an smile(*BLEH* CREEPY MUCH). "I heard of what you did for your mom and cousin sweetheart, you are very brave" said the nurse giving you an warm smile,"Thank you.....Wait where is my mom and James" you said with an worried face, everyone was silent and looked at each other with worry that then looked back at me." Um,Y/N we have something to show you" said F/N mom with an sad look on her face, I was also looked worried about how they were. The nurse put you on an wheelchair and started to push you out of your room. An minute later you guys went into an room that had a long curtain cover half of the room, I was then pushed through the curtain to see.....'*GASP* m-m-mom' I say to myself as I saw my mom in horrible condition. She had an bandage like mine around my body and she had casts around her legs, she was asleep, but she had an air tank next to her and an mask on her mouth and nose, she also had a lot of bloody bandages and blood stains. This scene was making me cry out for my mom, I moved up forwards to hold my mom's hand and she squeezed it an little, tears fell down my face as you placed your head on her arm, until you felt an hand placed in your shoulder, you turn to see that is was F/N mom and she had the sadest expression," Y/N we have something to tell you, James is...." she looked away and then looked back at you with tears on her face too, I started to get worried about the answer I was about to get, until,"J-James i-is-James is dead",'W-WHAT' you then started to crying waterfalls, but you did your best trying to hold in your screams until you were givin an gift, you looked up and back at the gift, you then opened it to find an basketball that said,
"never give up N/N cuz I will always be cheering you on and never stop playing
You then held the ball in an hug and whispered,"I promise"


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