Meet the folks

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This is just a bonus that is included in the story. Now that you and PJ are dating you two have to meet each others parents, and when PJ met your Mother.......OMG THIS IS GOING TO BE HILARIOUS😂😂.

As we were walking home, we first went to PJ's home and he opened the door inviting me in, I walk in and wait until PJ called out for his dads," coming" I heard a perky voice get closer, but then I see Mr. Ink and Coach Error,"What is she doing here?" Coach asked,"Dads, I have something to tell you" he said then took a deep breath holding my hand," Me and Y/N, are in love and now were dating" PJ said hoping that they would accept me but then we were both pulled into a strong hug by Ink," OH MY GAWD, MY BABY IS ALL GROWN UP AND IN LOVE, THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL" Ink said then let go of us as we try to get air back into our bodies, but then coach came up to him and whispered," Keep her happy" and smirked, I smile back at him and say," I will" and then PJ grabbed my hand and pulled into a hug, I hugged back," Now it's my turn to see your parents" PJ said as we exit the door but then I give him a worried look," Um...Are you sure that you want to meet MY parents, I mean we could skip that part" I said worried he then looked at me with a smirk," Why, are you scared to show you parents that your in love with a Jock" he said," N-no, its just that I was raised by a single mother and she has been protective over boys when I was young, but now that I'm at this age I'm not sure about how she'll react to you" I said thinking about the things that she'll do to him," Don't worry she will like, I mean she is strong and scares me a little but she will go easy on me, Kay" he said which made me calm down a bit, I then nod yes and walk home with him.

Time Skip

Y/N then in front of a house and goes up to the front door, I follow assuming that this is her house. We enter and She calls out," MOM I'M HOME" then I heard a voice respond," Come to the kitchen" we both then enter the Kitchen to see a strong young woman put food in the oven," Hi mom" Y/N said innocently then her mom turned around," Hello N/N how was your day-" she stopped and looked at me suprised," Y/N who's this?" She said still staring me down," Mom, I have Something to tell you" she said and then looked her mother in the eyes," This is PJ, and he is... My lover" she said hugging me and I hug her back," Really" her mom said looking at her with a smile she then walked up to me and held her hand out for my to shake," Well then it is nice to Meet you PJ, I'm M/N" I give her my hand to shake, but instead of shaking it she crushes my hand, I really want to scream in pain but I keep it to myself the best I can as her fake smile grows evil. Y/N Notices and panics,"M-mom STOP PLEASE DONT HURT HIM" She said in worry, she then let's go of my hand and smiles innocently," Oh I'm sorry, I can sometime get overeactive when it comes to my daughter and...boys" she said scaring me a bit," He's nice mom, he wouldn't do Anything bad" Y/N said as her mom walks up to her and hugs her, she hugs back," OK then N/N, Can you go upstairs and get the jewel" she said confusing me," Yeah, be back" Y/N said as I watch her run up the stairs, but then I look back at the mom and she is now giving me the the scariest stare filled with anger and hate, I get scared. She slowly walks up to me and I back away until my back touched the wall, I look at her with fear and she stops in front of me, I wait for her to do something until she harshly grabbed me by the collar of my jacket and lifted me in the air against the wall, I look at her," Now listen hear, I have been protecting My daughter from guys like you for a very long time, not just because she is my only child but what guys like you can and will do to girls like her, and she has she has been through to much in life for her to have another bad thing happen to her life." She said scaring me more by her incredible strength," So if you think about breaking my N/N heart or get any sketchy ideas, I will find you, break your skull along with the rest of your bones, then ship them to Australia so they can make some soup to those bones and give it to those who are hungry, do you understand?" She said making all of my color wash away from fright, I shakily nod my head yes," Good, now when she comes down act like nothing happened, but you better keep what I said in thought" she said and then placed me on the ground right then Y/N came downstairs and gave her mom a beautiful stone, she then gave it to me and closed my hand," This stone symbolizes love and friendship together, keep this in remeberence of your relationship. I look at her in confusion but then smile she then smiled back and then grabbed Y/N hand and placed it on mine, I grab her hand and look at her she looks back at me and blushes, we hug. I placed the stone in my pocket and said my goodbyes to Y/N, her mom waved to me and I left the house in terror.

I look aty mom with as crossed and she looks at me," what?" She said innocently," Mom, I know what you did and it was not OK" I said," I'm sorry N/N, But I had to and it was a favor for a friend" she said spacing out on the last part," For who?" I asked( Me:FOR ME, thanks BTW. Mom: your welcome)," Oh no one, now you go upstairs and get some rest, Kay" she said as I was still confused but followed her orders and did my nightly routine then went to bed.

I loved loved doing this chapter. (Me: and thank you Again. Mom: Any time.)

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