Everyone Knows

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BTW I fixed all glitches, so you can go see, Secrets.

As I walked home, I realized how dark it was," SHOOT, My mom's gonna kill me" and I started to speed walk home, but as I was walking home it felt as if I was being watched so I turn to see what it was but nothing was there,"hmmm" I turn back and continued to walk home, a few minutes I get that feeling again and I start to get scared, but angry too,"That's it, SHOW YOURSELF" I said standing my guard until I heard footsteps coming towards me, now I was really scared,"*Gasp*" I started to run home and the more I ran the more I heard the footsteps get closer, I started to run faster and then the footsteps started to slow down, but I continued running like my life depended on it cuz it does, I minute later I finally make it home, I ran inside and locked the front door, I just stood there gasping for air as I look out the prep hole and the Windows." N/N, WHERE WERE YOU?, YOU HAD ME WORRIED SICK" I jumped as I heard that and turn to see my mom run up to me and hug me tightly,"MOM I WAS BEING CHASED" I said still scared," WHAT?!!" My mom said with a worried look but changed to an angry look,"Where were you" she said in a deep angred voice which scared me more," A-at school" I said nervously,"Doing What?" She said strictly," watching the boys basketball team practice" I said with guilt in my voice I look at her and her angry expression soften, she looks down,"When did you get chased?" She said,"After I left the area" I said as she looks at me again," And they didn't touch you nor hurt you" she asked,"No" I said,"good, now you should probably get to bed you have school tomorrow" she said I got confused," Your not mad?" I asked, she placed both hands on my cheeks,"No I'm not mad" she said then placed her forehead on mine,"Just happy your safe" she said, she let go and I went upstairs confused, I flopped into bed and started thinking,'What was that about, I mean if I ever go out without permission and come home late, then I get grounded, but when I mentioned basketball and being chased she just didn't do anything, but why? Is there something that I don't know about?' And I kept thinking these thoughts until I fell asleep.

Time Skip
As I got up, took a shower, for dressed, ate breakfast and drive to school I still couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday, but when I got dropped off at school I walked through the doors and get everyone's attention. I was walking to my locker and still had everyone looking at me, but instead of just eyeballing me they were whispering and have me looks of amazement like I did something unbelievable, but then my friends come up to me as soon as I got to my locker," I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU ACTUALLY DID IT" Fresh silently screamed,"Did what?" I asked confused," Don't act like you don't know, The Basketball practice" F/N said which shocked you,"Everyone knows that you went to the practice and got asked to join the team" Pallete said,"WAIT WHAT?! EVERYONE KNOWS, WHO TOLD!?" I asked shocked,"THE JOCKS DID HUMAN" papyrus said pointing them out down the hallway, you had to talk to PJ so you walked over to the Jock group and tapped PJ on the shoulder, he turned and look at you with that smirk he always has,"Hey Y/N, did you have an answer for me?","No, I have a question" you said and pulled PJ to an empty space of the hallway,"What were you thinking? I don't want anybody to know that I play basketball" I said silently screaming at him,"Well why not?" He said with a confused look, I look away,"Reasons that you shouldn't know" I said," You can tell me anything, I mean it can't be that bad" he said,"I told you that it's not for you to know" I said still looking away but then his bony hand was placed on my cheek and he gently made me look at him," Y/N, you have a talent that needs to be shown, you have mad skill, and if that talent isn't shown then who will ever know you name" he said, you look at him as he gave you a warm smile," Trust me, just give it a chance" he said as he walks away leaving you thinking about what he said, and the first bell rung and you walked to you first period.

Time Skip

My next period was Gym, and as I walked in and got dressed, I say on the bleachers and waited til everyone came, but then coach error came in and sat next to me,"Umm...Hi" I said feeling awkward,"Heya Kid, so did you make your decision?" He said,"Um no not yet, why?" I asked,"I can make you decision easier" he said looking around as I give off a confused look,"how?" I asked again then I was given a folded peice of paper, I unfolded it and looked at it again," Coach...is this a $100 bill" I asked with a blank face,"And there a lot more where that came from" he said and this started to anger you, you gave him back the $100's," I'm sorry Coach, but I am not something that is to be bought" you got up and started to walk away,"WAIT WHAT IF I CAN GET YOU SOMETHING BETTER" he said,"COACH" you said annoyed,"NO PLEASE JUST HEAR ME OUT KAY" he said I turn in defeat,"What is it?" I said angered,"What if I gave you the Championship Name" he said making you go in shock,"What do you mean?" You asked,"If you and PJ win our school the State Championship, then both of your faces and named will be on the trophy and on display for the world to know, on magizines, the news, banners, and more, even colleges would know you name and accept you with a free education" he said with the last thing he said catching you attention,"Really?" I asked,"Yes" Coach said,'Go to a college with free education, me and my mom have been searching for a college that didn't cost much for years, but now our prayers have been answered, but I have to join the team and I still haven't made my decision yet' I thought to myself," Well?" He said, I sigh,"Well I guess that makes my decision a little bit easier, I'll still need to think about it" I said walking away again.

As I go to gym I over hear the conversation that Y/N and dad were have and he was bribing her to join the team,'DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING' I think to myself face palming until,"I'm sorry Coach, but I am not something that is to be bought" I was shocked to hear that cuz people usually take that, then my dad caught her attention by making a deal, she said that she still had to think about, but I can't lie, that was pretty wise. Her and that pretty mind of hers will get her places, but now that I think about it....Am I falling for this shy but skilled nerd.

Time Skip
As school ended I ran out of school excited cuz today was the day that me and my mom go to gym.

JOCK PJ x SKILLED! NERD READER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now