Don't hide any Secrets

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(Time Skip to three days and your in school)

From the past 3 days PJ has been acting really weird, I mean every time I ask him how his morning he would Just stutter and look away, and we don't hold hands, hug, nor kiss anymore, this is really worrying me and I have to Know what is going on and fix it, for the sake of our relationship

Ever sense the Choose that I made with the team about me choosing Big Dreams over love, has made me feel incredibly Guilty, I don't feel like myself nor act like it. Its hard falsely love someone when you really love them, and I know that Y/N notices too, but she is still on the team playing really well. Only 3 more days til championships, but the other problem is that I still can't believe how bunny knew about me and Y/N and told it to the whole know what, I'm going to have a long talk to her about why she did this to us. I start to find bunny until I find her in a group of people, I walk over to her pull her to an empty area," Bunny we Need to talk" I said sternly,"About What" she said back sternly crossing her arms," About how you told everyone about Me and Y/N, Why did you do that to us?" I said in anger," YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY I DID IT, DON'T ACT DUMB!" She yelled," I WOULDN'T BE ASKING YOU IF I DID, NOW ANSWER MY QUESTION" I yelled back," Its cuz you left me for someone else remember" she said as I start to remember the time I dates bunny, but I left her for a different reason," THAT'S A LIE, I LEFT YOU CUZ YOU WENT COMPLETELY INSANE FOR EVERYTHING I DID"," YOU LEFT ME CUZ YOU DIDN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE" She screamed and punched the wall but not to hard, she then looked at the ground and whispered," Do you remember what I said before you walked away from me on that day" I then start to get a flashback on what she said and it scared just thinking about it,' YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME, I AM YOUR ONE AND ONLY...PJ COME BACK HERE RIGHT NOW.....YOU KNOW WHAT FINE, GO AHEAD LEAVE ME, BUT I WILL GET MY REVENGE, I WILL RUIN YOUR NEXT RELATIONSHIP JUST LIKE HOW YOU RUINED OURS' as I come back to reality I still see bunny's head but I can see her smiling,'Strange',"I'm now after the both of you and its all your fault for leaving me" she whispered, I start to get furious so all I could do was Just put my head down, walked to a few lockers and Punched then so hard that it echoed through the whole neighborhood, I then walk back to bunny furious," Its all your fault, your ruining a relationship that I really want to keep, your the reason why the team made me choose between her and basketball, YOUR THE REASON WHY LOVE SOUNDS LIKE A DISEASE" I yelled," Oh, and that reminds me, how is your false love relationship, is she still on the team cuz we all want her to win for the team." she said, I then lost my cool and couldn't talk to bunny anymore.

I....Heard.....everything. S-so I was being used to win for the team.....he.... He really didn't loved Me.

I pushed bunny out of the way and started to leave the area, until I saw Y/N standing in the corner with a surprised yet sad look, wait....Oh no, she heard." Y/N I can explain-" She then broke down and just ran away, I start to run after her," Y/N PLEASE WAIT, LET ME EXPLAIN"," GO AWAY" she yelled back and then started to pick up speed. She then ran out of the school and down the street, I tried to catch up speed with her and was about to run out of the school to catch her but as I run out the front entrance I was being held back by a few Jocks, I tried to break loose but she was too far, I get incredibly infuriated, I walked back inside, went up to a locker, and punched it so hard that it echoed even louder and caused a dent in the locker and this scared everyone, I then looked at bunny who was grinning at me, I walk up to her and whispers,"This is Your Fault" she then said," Oh no Sweetie, you put it on yourself" with her arms crossed. I run down the hall and out the side doors to the basketball court, I then fall to my knees and put my head on the ground, I start to cry in anger and regret my decision.

As I was running home with tears on my face, I start to hear footsteps again, I was so fed up with this and started not care anymore," COME ON SHOW YOURSELF, I AM SO FED UP WITH YOU STALKING ME EVERY TIME I COME HOME, COME ON-Hmmpphh" I yelled until my mouth was covered, I look up and see a strange man," Now now, you shouldn't tempt someone like that princess" he whispers in my ear, I then start to struggle but I then felt something sharp on my neck, I stop moving," Stop your Struggling! I just want something of your~" he said seductively and he started to run his hand up my shirt, I squirm and start to scream even if his hand is over my face. Then the man stops, then let's go of me, and then falls to the ground, I look around to see who knocked him," MOM" I said surprised, she looks at me,"N/N" she ran up to me and gave me a big hug, I hug back but tighter cuz I started to cry and shake," C'mon N/N let's go home". Once we got home, I told her everything, she cuddled me and stroked my hair as I told her, until I asked," Mom, can I stay at home for the next 4 days" she looks at me with Shock look," But What about your Basketball game?" She asked,"I-I'm not on the team anymore, nor am I ever gonna dribble another basketball, Just Please, I need time to myself" I said,"....Ok" she said,"Thank you".

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