How was your day

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I then finished my day off at Mr.Dream's class and then the final bell rang. As I was saying my goodbyes to my friends I was thinking weather to go to PJ'S basketball practice, well that really depends on my mom. I then started to walk home I saw an couple of kids playing basketball, I chuckled an bit until I an image of me, mom, F/N, her mom, and james before the incident, then I came back to reality. I held back the tears and continued to walk,'Maybe working on my homework will help me keep my mind away from what's ahead, and that's what I did I started working and walking at the same time, but at least it killed time and my house was right down the street. As I went up the front porch stairs and when through the front door," MOM I'M HOME!!" I talked for her to hear,"I'm in the kitchen!" She said with an cheerful tone to her voice. As I walk into the kitchen see my mom chopping vegetables like a ninja with a knife,"woah what's all of the cutting for?" I ask putting my stuff on the table,"Hm? Oh I'm just trying a new recipe on the internet and I thought that it might be good for our health before we go to the gym in 2 days","*Gasp* wait are you saying that we're-","Yep" I bounce up in excitement just talking about it,"YES! were going to Joe's muscule studio" I sang with joy. Joe's muscule studio is the workout gym that my mom signed in for the both of us to have an life time membership in. But we only go there on Wednesday's, not to brag though my mom and a few other are the real hot shots there, but if one these "hot shots" has kids then we were known as,"The shaggys" just don't ask why we're called that we also disagree with the name, but we go with it. I then sit down to calm down my excitement, then I hear my mom say," So how was your day?" She asked and I turned around to see her give me an concerned look,"O-oh it went o-ok" I said with an little high pitch in my voice,' DAM IT WHY DID I STUTTER" I then started to cuss myself out," Ok that's an dead lie, what really happened?" She said with anger in her voice, I thought for a second to lie again, but remebered the last time that I lied,' shoot the last time that I lied to her she.made me so 500 push-ups in under 3 minutes, so I have no choice, but to actually tell her what happened today' I then looked up at her again, but this time she had an worried face.

Time Skip
After I finished telling her what happened at school today she looked at me with an 'I'm sorry that happened to you' look at first, but also with an 'That's my girl' look around the end." Well I'm sorry that all of that happened to N/N" my mom said placing all of the minced vegetables in an crock pot,"Its ok it's not like my theory of having a bad day would have ever came true ' which apparently it did'" I say sarcastically, my mom noticed and looked at me with an worried face while putting the food in the oven. I hung my head in disappointment after thinking about what happened in school, and at the corner of my eye I saw my mom walk up to me and sit down in the the chair across from mine,"...N/N I understand what your going through"


"Yes I do and once you understand that the things that those people are doing to you they will understand that they will end up at the bottom of the food chain later in life"


"Besides you didn't get hit right"


"Exactly, That's because you showed then that 'Just because I'm a nerd doesnt mean that you can put me down' and I'm proud that you were acually able to have the courage to do that"

Your mom's hand then slipped on your cheeks and lifted your head to look at hers," You also got new friends and good grades, and that's all of the effort I need from you" she then looks at me with and smile,"thank you mom, I love you","HeHe, I love you too N/N. Now come on let's build an pillow fort in the living room and watch an movie that either has zombies, explosion, monsters, monster trucks, or that includes Dwayne Johnson or Johnny Dep as we wait for the food to finish cooking." Your mom said as she skipped to the living room, but you then got up and went to the living room to build an fort out of you and your mom's F/C pillows and your S/F/C blankets and you two watch an action movie. As soon as you finished your movie and dinner you want to your room, took an shower, put on your pajamas and went to bed.

As I was walking home couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and how she could pull off all of those moves, actually now that I think about it she got an couple of moved that not I can't even do.'Man I have to get her on the team or else my teams screwed, but the team wouldn't just let an nerd like her on the team and she's too nervous to show her secret to others, so I have to find a way to make her prove herself to the team" as I finally got home I saw my dad's talking,'What are they talking about? Am I in trouble?' I thought to myself until Ink walked into the kitchen and it was just me and error," go and practice free throws in the basketball court" said error with that angry look he always has,'Geez I can't at least sit down for a couple minutes' as I grab the my basketball I then head outside to go do what error told me to do. After an whole hour of doing free throws and an couple of dunks I get an glitchy voice behind me," What's on your mind?" I turn to see error walk up to me,"Why?" I asked in an  questioning look,"well ink said that you had something in your mind so he sent me out here to ask you instaed of him cause" I'm also your father" he said with an bitter look, but then looked back at you,"so what wrong with you?" I then opened my mouth," there was an new student today and like any other jock would do we pushed her around and well we did it again at lunch, but instead of taking the hits she d-dodged them with incredible compacity" as I continued I saw my dad give me an 'is this all true' look," and I then chased her to the schools basketball court yard and when I saw her there she was playing like a pro and I really couldn't believe it, but I think she's better than me" as I finished telling dad that story his eyes were wide when I finished," well if she's that good then why don't you put her on the team?" Dad said sarcastically, but I answered," I asked her if she could join the team and she said that she'll think about it" I then saw error with an 'Are you serious' look," ARE YOU CRAZY WE CAN'T HAVE A GIRL ON AN ALL BOY BASKETBALL TEAM" error yelled," Well why not?" I say with an questioning look," Because it will show other that we need a female on this team because we're not good enough" he said with anger in his voice," Dad just give her a chance I promise you that she is as good as an real NBA player" and error gave me a death glare which is how he thinks," If I put her on the team whats in it for me" he said still death glaring me," If you let her on the team then you get the 'state championships trophy'" I said going that he would agree. His Death glare disappeared and her look at me with an ' that's an good deal' look, he then took a deep breath," Fine, but only if she is as good as you say she is" he said," YES!" I cheered to myself and error was about to until once he got to the door, he turned to face me and spoke," Oh and by the way we have an New gym" he said catching me by suprise,"What do you mean new gym","I mean that we have an New fitness gym because the other one had expired our membership so I got us an better gym" this was quite a suprise," Ok, what's the gym called" I asked,"'s Gym stadium-No.... Juniors work staion- No.....OH! It's called 'Joe's Muscule Studio' I heard the best only go their" he said with an smirk on his face like as if he was ready to have an compition with someone," and were going on Wednesday's to Sunday's understood" he said with his strict and gruff voice,"Yes Coach","Good" and he then left I was then thinking how to get her to prove herself and it came to me,' now to wait for tomorrow'. I then are dinner, washed up, got in my trunks and went to sleep thinking of...her.

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