I wouldn't say the incredible

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Sorry if I have written this story in an while I was just working on different stories, you should check them out.

The Next morning I woke up with an Note on my forehead," Mmm....What's this" I took it of my forehead and read the note,
' Morning N/N,

I'm out to get some groceries, I left some pancakes in the microwave and you know where the juice is. Have an nice Day ;3

Your mom'

" Well she's gone, I'm going to have to walk to school" I said to myself as I got up from bed ai then took a shower, got dressed( I'll let you choose an outfit), got my stuff, are breakfast, and dashed out the door. While walking to school I was thinking about whether I should stay after school for the boys basketball practices,' Well my mom wouldn't mind, besides it's for my basketball dream, so I'll stay after school' I said to myself. I then pulled out my headphones and started to play a song( not the one up top).

Time Skip

Once I got to school I walked to the enterance of the door and opened it to see everyone going to either their classes or to talk to each other, I start to go to my locker and once I got there I opened it and grabbed my stuff, I then heard footsteps from behind me and I turned to see all of my friends," Hey Y/N" F/N said with everyone thinking the same thing," Oh hey guys" I replied," So I heard that PJ asked you a question" Fresh said," W-what?! I-I have no idea what your talking about?" I said cursing at myself from stuttering," *GASP* HE DID! OOOO... WHAT DID HE ASKED?!" Pallete asked in excitement," It was nothing guys"," We all no that's a lie, What did he ask" F/N asked demandingly," Nope" I said crossing my arms, until they all continuously begged I then started to break til," OK OK OK I'LL TELL, GEEZ!" I said laughing. "Welllll?" they all said,"...He asked me to stay after school, so I can play with the basketball team, but that's all he asked" I said without making it sound like it's an big deal, butttt I was wrong,"*GASP* ARE YOU SERIOUS" they all yelled for the whole world to hear," OMG, Guys keep it down the world doesn't need to know" I said with anger in my voice," sorry, but you were invited to do something with not just PJ, but the whole basketball team" Pallete said in suprise," Yeah, But why are you guys acting so suprised about this" I asked in confusion," HUMAN THE BASKETBALL TEAM IS THE MOST RELIABLE TEAM WE DEPEND ON" Papyrus said," Yeah, they represent our school and our pride, and you've been invited to join their team" Fresh said," Well I wouldn't say joining, more like experiencing" I said correcting him," Well either way, that should be an huge honor" F/N said," Well it's just a sport so let's not make a big deal out of it kay, I really don't want any not else to know about this, so promise me that you won't tell anybody" I said hoping that they wouldn't tell anybody, " We promise" they all said. After that the bell finally ranged and everyone started to head to their 1st class.

Time Skip
I want through all of my classes still aceing all of them, and as I was waiting for the final bell to ring I felt as if I was being watched, but I just shrugged it off. Finally the final bell ring and we all dashed out the door, headed to my locker and put my school stuff in there except for my homework, backpack, and headphones. I started to the Gym, without hesitation I went in and place my stuff on the bleachers and waited, but eventually got bored so I started working on my homework until," HEADS UP!" And without looking I caught the ball and then looked at it then looked to see who threw it," Heh nice catch" It was PJ looking at me with an smile, started to walk up the bleachers to me," Well it's going to take more than an unsuspected ball toss to get me off guard" I said with confidence," Heh I can tell" He said with a smirk on his face, he then stopped in front of and just stood there looking at you a,"Soooo.... Are you ready to prove yourself to the team" he said with an raised brow," I-I'm not sure about this PJ, w-what if they reject me?" I said with an worried face looking down at the floor," What?! Y/N with skills like you they can't reject" he said until he slipped his index finger under your chin and lightly lifted your head to look at his and he was oddly close to your face which made you blush a little," Besides, I believe that you can do it" he said until he realized his position and backed away blushing, until what seemed to be the whole team come into the gym with they're practice clothes( let's just go with that for now), PJ was in his too, they all started for PJ until they noticed me," Hey what are you doing here, this area is for players only, so buzz off nerd" said one of the players, oh I can see burgerpants well that just great," Hey, guys she's here for a reason so be nice" PJ said," well then what's she here for?" Burgerpants said," Guys this is the skilled player I was talking about" he said pointing to me,"....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the whole team howled in laughter," you can't be serious, she's a girl" the all said making me triggered," well this girl can run circles around you any time" I said with anger in my voice which seemed to amuse the team," Oh really, Then prove it" Burgerpants said as you grunt in anger which to you means that you accept, you then grabbed the ball next to you and you stood up on the bleachers and started to go to the top which was about the 100th row, pretty high, you got ready, aimed, and shot the basketball taking a few seconds for it to make the basket, and made the shot, you want back down to the team and saw alot of they're jaws dropped along with PJ, " Boom" you said to burgerpants," Oh wow, like we can't do that either" he said with team breaking out of they're trance and looking at him in agreement, this started to really tick you off," then how about I really prove myself, you against me" I said with an challenge look," Fine, but you will loose" burgerpants said with an angry tone. As you to hit onto the court burgerpants was tossed a ball and started dribbling the ball," the first 10 points wins" he said, done" I said and we began, but it was a quick play.( your the guys known as the bone collector, who is the guy with the white du-rag in his head) And while playing against burgerpants he added a couple of teammates to go against me, but no success.

After all of that I went against that I went against the whole team and win 10 to 4. The whole team was in shock mostly burgerpants, until I was then lifted up in the air and onto what felt like a shoulder, I was shocked from this until I look at who was lifting me up and it was....*GASP* coach Error," THIS CHILD WILL LEAD IS TO VICTORY!!!" he screamed," Ok dad please put her on the ground, I-we don't want her to get hurt" he said slightly stuttering, he started to place you on the ground until the whole team swormed around you with an alot to say," THAT WAS AWESOME"," TEACH IS HOW TO DO THAT"," YOUR INCREDIBLE"," YOU DIDN'T MISS A SINGLE BASKET" they we blabbering until," Your like a perfessional, your incredible" burgerpants said finally giving in," Well I wouldn't say incredible, I mean I'm still practicing myself" you said," Well you got real skill kid and, well...if it's not a bother.... um, join the team" Error said, I was shocked by the question and started to think, until I got the flashback again and I started to get in front of the whole team," Y/N Y/N, WHAT'S WRONG" PJ asked with a worried face, and both hands on my shoulders I then snap back to reality," Y-yeah I'm fine" you quickly wipeing away your tears away," Well...we're letting you know that you that were not rushing you, we'll give you time to thing kay" he said and gave you a worried smile, and you smiled back. You then realized that you had tons of homework to do, so you hurry and run to your stuff and gathered all of it, but then right before you were going to leave and the teams practice, to picked up the ball next to you and shot a basket making everyone look at you and winked at them then ran out the gym and went home.

JOCK PJ x SKILLED! NERD READER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now