What a woman

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After I asked her if she can help coach the team with me and coach, I turn to the sound of the bell ringing I see people flowing in the gym. But when I looked back at Y/N she was flowing in tears with her eyes tightly closed,'oh shoot she's crying did I say something to upset her' I then try to get her attention.

I was then snapped back to reality and I had hot tears running down my face, as I wiped them off my face I looked at PJ realizing that he was closer than he was suppose to." Hey are you alright did I say something that upsetted you?" PJ said with an worried look on his face,"O-oh n-no I just had an flashback that's all" you said with an innocent voice," how did basketball trigger a flashback that bad?" PJ asked," THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!" You said in rage," I-I'm sorry I d-didn't mean to yell at you it's just.....look I'll think about it ok" you say calming the fire the exploded inside of you," ok well could you at least come to our basketball practices to at least watch or be assistance for coach?" He asked hoping for an positive aswer," Ok" you said with an straight face,"Thanks" he said as he started to walk away, but the he turned back to you,"OH, and I'm sorry about earlier I promise it won't happen again." He then jogged away as you looked at the basketball in you hands and thought of the flashback for bit, but then stopped an returned the basketball to its cart. You went back to the bleachers and took a seat,'huh there are an good amount of people in here' you see an side door open and see an blotchy looking skeleton that looks like an another sans. He wore an headband and shorts with an jacket, and he didnt look nice the way he was looking at all of us.

"Alright runts let's get started with 20laps around the gym and give it all that you got it else it is detention for all of you

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"Alright runts let's get started with 20laps around the gym and give it all that you got it else it is detention for all of you. GO!",'GEEZ and I thought that Mr.Nightmare was strict, but I can tell that I was wrong. I could here an alot of groans and grunts that echoed through the whole gym that came from everyone, but me and a couple of students. As we got up I started running like no other I beat everyone and made it to the front with PJ, he looked at me with an shocked look,"Huh I'm impressed no one has ever made it up before except for me and undyne" PJ said you then look to the other side of you to see undyne with an triggered face (*TRIGGERED ALERT*). You then started to dash up ahead and got farther than PJ and undyne.

Time Skip
You, PJ and undyne were the first people to finish without an sweat and as everyone was finishing and sitting down sweating bullets you then hear the coach,"Alright maggots grab an kickball and place it in the center cuz we're playing some dodgeball" you then here everyone except the nerds cheer in excitement, coach started separating us by nerds vs jocks. As we all get up against the wall you started thinking about what your mom said this morning,' you got mad skill girl, SO YOU GO OUT THERE AND SHOW THEM WHAT FOR N/N!!!" And this filled you with S/T.




As he blows the whistle everyone ran to the center to grab a ball, but balls has already hit 5 of the nerds on your side as you we're in the back you were watching an alot of nerd get hit and you saw an couple of nerd hit some jocks out

Time Skip
You saw the last nerd get hit out and now it was just you against 5 jocks PJ, undyne, burgerpants, an purple creature, and an goat like creature."HA!! Your ours now punk" undyne said pulling back a ball ready to throw." This will be easy I mean she's just an nerd what more could she do than learn and be nerdy" said burgerpants and this started to fire you up," I wouldn't be saying that" you said with anger in your eyes," oh yeah and why not" said undyne," Well that's sort of offensive for other fellow nerds and...well sense your known for runnin your mouth I will make you swallow those words,GAME ON!!!" You said suprising everyone with what you say," ITS ON!!!" the 5 said all together, that all then throw a ball directly at you then dodge every ball that was thrown at you and caught one at that. You then throw the ball getting the goat like creature out of the picture and after that undyne then said,"Grrrr, thats it I'm ending this,NYAAAHHH!!!!" she screams and summons an thousand dodge balls and thrown then all to me. I then started to get a bit worried, but was still filled with S/T. You then placed your headphones on and started to dodge(play music)


As you stated to dadge the balls you then front flipped to the last one in mid air(slow motion time) you landed on your feet, you pulled back, and throw the ball hitting the purple creature, undyne, and PJ all in one hit and you one the game." WOOOOO!!!" all the nerds screamed and cheered for your victory. And then the ball rang for the next class we all started to go to the locker room really hoping that undyne wasn't in there, but wasn't. As you leave the gym you want to your locker, when you opened it an folded piece of paper fell out, you picked it up and opened it reading,
' meet me at the gym doors tomorrow
And for some reason you felt excited to meet him there. And then you started to walk to your next clas.

As we were separated into different groups we all get to the wall then coach blows the whistle, I dash to the balls and hit an nerd out. As we were playing I saw Y/N in the corner watching the game, after all of the nerds were out it was just Y/N left on that side,"HA!! Your our now punk" i heard undyne say ready to throw an ball at her, and then I hear burgerpants,"This will be easy I mean she's just an nerd what more could she do than learn and be nerdy" burgerpants said with an evil smirk,'That's an bit to far' I thought to myself until I then see Y/N getting angry," I wouldn't be saying that" she siad with an little bit of anger in her voice, I then started to get an little bit worried," oh yeah and why not" said undyne,"Well that's sort of offensive for other fellow nerds and...well sense your known for runnin your mouth I will make you swallow those words,GAME ON!!!",' Dam, she just dissed us' I thought to myself in suprise,' on that's it' "Game On!!!!!" We all say and then we all three the balls directly at her. I'm amazment she did all of these intense moves and dodged all of the ball, and then in mid air she caught one and threw it full speed getting asriel out, I then saw undyne with anger in her eyes," Grrrr, thats it I'm ending this,NYAAAHHH!!!!" she screams and summons an thousand dodge balls and thrown them all at Y/N. I got really worried for Y/N, but then she puts on her headphones and started to F into the zone."WHAT THE-" she then dodged every ball doing all of these sick flips, but then she grabs one in mid air, pulls back and full thrust launches the ball at us hitting all of us in one throw.' THAT WAS INCREDIBLE' I thought to myself in amazment and all that you could hear was all of the nerds cheering Y/N victory and when I looked.at the jocks that were all shock of what they have just witnessed. The bell then rings and we all hear to the locker rooms, when I was getting dressed I decided to write a note of where to meet me tomorrow I then leave the gym and went to her locker to slip the folded piece of paper into the open space and as I walked away I started to think about her and how incredibly accurate she was, but I then started to fantasize about making me blush,'What a Woman'.

JOCK PJ x SKILLED! NERD READER (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now