Sword fights, ketchup bottles, and burning

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15 minutes after losing his papers, Rhydian was back in the cafe sitting with 5 other boys he'd never met before.

"Ah, thank you all for helping me get my work before the rain destroyed it all," Rhydian said, smiling thankfully at them. He glanced out the window, rain pouring down on the other side once again. Luckily, Rhydian had gotten all of his papers back and protected them before it began to rain mercilessly on the group of strangers. 

"It was no problem at all!" A dark blue haired boy with a lip ring replied, flashing Rhydian a friendly grin. Rhydian found him incredibly intriguing. Steampunky.... Hehe, I'll have to create a character in my book like him. 

The shorter teenager sitting next to the steampunk boy was looking at his camera. "Yeah, thanks to you, I got some pretty neat pictures," He said, smiling a little. His inky black bangs fell choppily in front of his eyes while the rest of his hair was held in a short and high ponytail. He looks like an anime character... so cool! 

"This has probably been the most fun I've had on a lunch break, ever," A tall blonde boy with striking hazel eyes commented, putting his hands behind his head and leaning his back against his chair.

"You almost ran over me with your bike," the steampunk laughed, his pale blue eyes shining in amusement as he crossed his arms. That sounds terrifying. 

"Hey, I apologized!" the blonde exclaimed with a pout. "Anyway, I'm Jasmin. Who're you all?" Jasmin... never heard that for a boy's name before. 

Rhydian pushed up his glasses and straightened his pile of slightly damp papers, figuring he should go first since he caused this whole thing. "I'm Rhydian. Nice to meet you all," He introduced himself, his face slightly warm. I hope that was a decent enough answer. 

Next, the dark cherry haired cyborg spoke. "I'm Ace." His answer was short and somewhat hesitant. He's the one who talked to me earlier. Rhydian smiled at him and turned to the photographer.

"I'm Luca. A pleasure to meet all of ya!" the black haired boy said with a grin. It may have been for only a split second, but Rhydian was sure he had seen fear behind his ice blue eyes. Probably just my imagination, he convinced himself, pushing up his glasses again. With the one I have, I wouldn't be surprised. 

The Steampunk went after. "I'm Reuben, the boy who almost got hit with a psycho on a bike."

"I apologiiiiiiiized~!"

Jasmin turned to the last person; a boy with peach colored, wavy hair, freckles, and grey eyes. "What's your name?" He asked, shifting his position to where his chin rested on the palm of his hand. The freckled boy sighed. "I'm a green grouch in a trashcan." He looked away, toward the front of the coffee shop.

... a green grouch in a trashcan-?

Jasmin gasped. "Oscar-chan!"

Oscar's shoulders tensed at the honorific that was attached to his name. "C-chan?" He turned around and gave Jasmin both an annoyed and confused look. Jasmin ignored him and changed his focus to everyone. "So, let's see if I can remember all of these..." He closed his eyes. "Rhydian, Luca, Reuben, Ace, aaaaaaaand Oscar-chan~!"

Oscar scowled at him. He was the only one with an honorific included. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, Jasmin did instead. "Can I read your writing, Rhydian?" He asked out of the blue, catching Rhydian by surprise. The blue haired boy quickly pulled his papers closer to him. "U-uh... I'm not finished yet."

"I still want to read it! Pleeeeaaaase~" Jasmin gave him puppy dog eyes. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase~?"

"B-but it's not good! It's nothing special-"

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