(I) Floral Print and Grey Skies

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It is a general thought that a seventeen-year-old she-wolf only looks forward to meeting her mate

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It is a general thought that a seventeen-year-old she-wolf only looks forward to meeting her mate. Not I, personally, I'd like to graduate and possibly get the hell out of dodge. Or maybe just make it through Wednesday.

Either would be nice.

All dolled up in teal and bubblegum pink, it would seem as though I had what it took to survive WotW3, that's War of the Week Three for those at home.

Stumbling down the stairs, an evil fifteen-year-old little bother- I mean brother- and the sad truth that we were out of my favorite pop tarts, courtesy of Cleo, would make it seem that WotW3 is fairing at lot worse than anticipated. There's always the hope that the day can only get better. By the time I go to walk out the door, the light rainfall that greeted me said otherwise about this day.

If I hadn't already been awake an hour, I would have called quits and gone back to bed.

Sighing, I grabbed the pale pink raincoat before heading off to school, knowing that there wasn't much to make WotW3 any better. Hiking the pink book bag further up on my shoulders, I prepared myself for the day to come. I tell myself that I have only forty-six days left, weekdays that is, and then I don't have to really deal with anyone in my graduating class ever again. Well not everyone, Colin, Sophia, and Lillian are special exceptions.

The walk to school was not a long one, it had never been unless of course you got caught by all the lights. The rain thankfully hadn't picked up any, although I was still glad when I walked into the pale brick building known as Riverdale High. The place had never been my favorite, and it had always smelled like failed aspersions. Most of the attendees here never made it past a hundred miles from here, settling down young and working a sad job for the rest of their life, as werewolves do.

I, for one, didn't want a life like that, I wanted adventure, to explore, to just leave the Hopewell Territory as soon as possible and maybe never return. I wasn't a well-liked member of the community, especially with my peers; something I never really understood. My father was Beta, a role similar to Vice President, my family and I did lots of volunteer work, I was nice (at least I think it comes across that way). My three siblings were well received, although most liked was Colin, he was heir after all.

My only real friend was Sophia Hart, a tall firecracker of a wolf. We had known each other since we were little, seeing how our fathers worked closely together, hers being Gamma, basically Speaker of the House. Being the only two girls from the Big Three (Alpha, Beta, Gamma) for the longest time, seeing how Cleo is nearly five years younger than the two of us and Olive is even younger, we had developed a strong bond as children that has remained for all of these years. We confided in each other for everything, we promised that no matter what we were gonna do with our lives, we were going to remain best friends.

Per usual, Sophia was waiting for me at my locker, as it had been since freshman year. The dark-haired darling was clad in a pink floral sweater and washed out skinny jeans, hair messily piled onto her head in a bun. She was in that stage of the year where she had given up trying but claimed it was so when prom came along she'd look extra nice.

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