(X) Broken Hearts and Bloody Noses

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I didn't leave my room the rest of the weekend, I didn't have the heart to

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I didn't leave my room the rest of the weekend, I didn't have the heart to. I was upset and I didn't want to deal with most of my family. I hid, clinging into my bunny and pretending the world didn't exist. Cleo spent a great deal of time with me, not wanting me to be alone, feeling as though if I was to be, I'd end up doing something stupid. 

The days melted together and I went through the school days like a ghost. I spent the days stuck in my head, wondering what I had done for him to do something like that to me. To make out with her. I saw her throughout the day, a smug look on her face. She taunted me ruthlessly, sarcasm lacing her words. 

"You thought that someone would actually want you? Stupid, he loves me, he's going to make me his Luna," Brittany taunted me on the way to fourth period on Thursday. After being forced to listen to her all week, I was pissed beyond belief. She thought she had the right to tear the relationship Jacob and I had apart and be proud of it. 

I had snapped before I had even realized what I did. With a sharp sting in my hand a bloody nose from Brittany, I was satisfied. It had been years that I've wanted to do that, but I was finally given the chance to do so. "Luna, you? That would mean you would learn to care for anyone but yourself and whatever dick you want that night."

"Frost! Lovelace! To the office!" The vice principal called the two of us, but I didn't care honestly. Once I brought up the bullying and the fact she's been attacking my mate bond, as well as trying to destroy the relationship, it wasn't going to be me getting in trouble. I made the way to the office, not caring for the protesting and hiss of insults that were coming from Brittany as she held her nose with her acrylic claws. 

It wasn't a long stint in the office, but that didn't mean that there wasn't a fifteen-minute interrogation. I had to explain to the vice principal what I did, what my motives were, and- most importantly- the fact that I was mated to Jacob and it was all his fault that this had happened. You can't really punish someone for what the bond causes them to do. It was primal instincts to defend your mate bond.

After being dismissed, I got called rude things by Brittany once more, but honestly, I was completely over it. I sat through the rest of the day in a worse mood than normal, and I couldn't even enjoy lunch with Sophia like I normally did. I had sat with Sophia like I normally had, but since they had mated, Jackson sat there as well, and the two of them were being cute, like Jacob and I had been. They didn't know what had happened the night of prom, nor do they really want to know, afraid to make me upset. Apparently, Jacob was also in a bad mood, but I honestly didn't really care any more. 

I was walking home from school, not caring about the rain, not really paying attention. I just wanted to go back to curling up in my room and reading, ignoring the world around me. I had been in such a bad mood, I've even given up on trying to look nice, so I was in sweats, my hair was thrown up in a sloppy bun and I haven't even touched my makeup since prom. 

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