(II) Brontë, Stupid Boys, and Bubble Baths

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Chloe Frost (but she has hazel eyes and a nose ring instead of a septum)^^

I curled myself up in the comfortable wingback chair tucked into one corner of the living room, Jane Eyre in one hand and Earl Grey in the other

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I curled myself up in the comfortable wingback chair tucked into one corner of the living room, Jane Eyre in one hand and Earl Grey in the other. I had always enjoyed the simple things in life, books and teas being high upon that list. Although I've read the Brontë novel more than once, I enjoyed the classic writing of all of the sisters. I was enjoying the solitude that I was given, my siblings not due to come home for a while later. Then I would have to retreat into my room, knowing at least one of my siblings' friends would come over and they'd get too animated to focus on my novel.

I reveled in the silence, the pitter patter of the rain when it would pick back up and the turning of the pages was the only sound that occurred for the longest time. One by one, my siblings trickled in, Cleo then Cameron. The two of them were quiet, knowing I enjoyed it that way, neither of them saying more than a greeting before retreating up the stairs. Cleo was the youngest of us Frost siblings, at thirteen years of age and finishing up her last year of middle school. She was the artsy type, most of her clothes covered in paint and her artwork hanging up all around the house. Cameron, my younger brother, on the other hand, typically had his nose stuffed into a comic book- similar to how my own was always in a novel.

I generally enjoyed my younger siblings, they were less bothersome than Colin. He was the typical jock- playing football, basketball, as well as baseball; the type that always smelled of sweat and thought he was better than most everyone because he played sports. He had been unbearably cocky until he learned that Lillian was his mate, eight months ago, she's since mellowed him out. Colin and I were just over ten months apart, him having been born in August and I came along the next June. If he had been born just a few days earlier, he could have been in the grade above me, but he hadn't and Mom wanted him to graduate with Jacob, Elijah, and Jackson- the Alpha, Gamma, and Delta to his Beta. The four of them had been the best of friends for the longest time and they did everything together, including all three sports, which I was obligated to attend each game.

Several cups of tea later and several hundred pages of Jane Eyre, around six, the Fantastic Four stumbled through the door after baseball conditioning, Lillian and Connie- Elijah's mate- following in behind them. I grumbled under my breath, hoping that the six of them venture into the lounge in the basement, but knowing they weren't going to.

"Hey, Sweet Cheeks!" Jackson greeted, his lopsided grin on full display. He was the walking cliche of the playboy jock, having a new girl at least once a month. I would have considered him attractive if I hadn't grown up with him and saw all his awkward fazes. He had a mop of dark hair that looked as though he forgot what a hairbrush was...three years ago, dark eyes, and a tall, muscular physique.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked, still wishing that I wasn't one of the girls he has been trying to get with since freshman year. You'd think he'd draw the line at his best friends' sisters, but that was not to the case with either Sophia or me.

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