(XI) Forgiveness and Graduation Day

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Over the course of the next few days, I had been getting more and more sick

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Over the course of the next few days, I had been getting more and more sick. Although I just wanted to stay home and grovel in pain, final exams were starting up next week and I knew I couldn't miss them. I put the sickness down to a mix of stress, the bond, and the sheer amount of sweets I had been eating over the last few days. While I sat around after school on Wednesday, nearly a full week since I had that talk with Jacob, reviewing the various subjects that I'll have an exam in, I couldn't help but feel bloated and gross. 

I couldn't stay focused on the math problems I had in front of me, my stomach twisted in knots. I had been throwing up the past two days, the although I didn't have a fever or any other real indication of having the flu. I was just sick and I wasn't sure as to why. I hadn't been feeling good, since that afternoon with Jacob and I on the porch. Was it the bonds way of telling me that it was time to go back to him? 

I felt my stomach turn and I raced to the bathroom, just in time to spill my guts. I've hated the way that any little thing has been causing my stomach to be upset. Generally, I don't get sick, but when I do, nothing fun comes from it. 

With my splitting headache and my upset stomach, I felt honestly like shit. I stumbled up to my room, curling up in a ball under the comforter. It was the ball of misery that I had grown used to over the last few days. I missed Jacob, he would curl up with me and make everything feel better. I know I've said I need time but I didn't feel well and I've been overly stressed from exams. I wasn't sure how to feel honestly. Suffer in pain by myself or suck it all up and go back to Jacob?

I knew I couldn't be like this forever, the bond was definitely against the two of us being away from one another for so long. I sighed, throwing the comforter off, giving up. I miss him. 

Sliding on a pair of sandals and making sure I didn't look too much like Night of the Living Dead, I made my way out the door, making sure to leave a short note for Cleo so she wouldn't freak out. I made the short walk over to the Bluefield house, hoping that he was actually there. I knocked on the cherry red door, hoping that I didn't make a fool of myself. 

It took a good few minutes before there was any sort of response. I had gotten discouraged and was about to turn away, when the door opened, revealing an aggravated Jacob with severe bed head. He was a mess and was only in a pair of flannel pajama pants, but he was still without a doubt very attractive. 

I didn't even give him the chance to say anything, pouncing on him, pulling him into a tight hug. I hugged him as if he was going to disappear from sight and I shall never be able to see him once more. "I missed you,"

"I missed you too, Baby," was his whispered response, him slowly wrapping his hands around me as well. I felt as he buried his head in my hair, the way his fingers drew little patterns into my skin. It hadn't even been a full two weeks since prom had occurred, but it felt as though it had been three lifetimes since I had seen him last--to feel him hold me as if I was the most important person to ever exist. 

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