(IX) Prom, Homwreckers, and Baby Sisters

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The prom venue^^

The night of prom had arrived, and there was my little gaggle of friends, sitting around the table

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The night of prom had arrived, and there was my little gaggle of friends, sitting around the table. The Fantastic Four were all dressed in tuxes, something much different than what they normally wore. Connie had her brunette hair in a beautiful updo, and she had a silver and pale pink mermaid style dress with lots of beadwork. Lillian had on a form-fitting lilac dress with her hair in beautiful curls. Sophia looked gorgeous in her red dress, which Jackson had a matching tie to. 

I had my wine-colored gown on, my hair was done simply but elegantly, my makeup the same way. I was enjoying myself, looking around the table, I liked the sight of my friends enjoying each others company. It was going to be a long night, but I wasn't all too worried, it was going to be the best night of senior year, right?

The first few hours went smoothly, nothing seemed too far out of the normal. I had a few dances with Jacob, of course, and a few with Sophia. There was lots of love and lots of laughs. It was going perfect, until not long after Jacob had excused himself to go to the bathroom.

About ten or so minutes after he had left, I got this tight, uncomfortable feeling in my chest. I wasn't sure what it was, but I felt like it had something to do with the bond. Instead of the normal warm hum, it had gone an icy cold. I excused myself from the table, going to search for him, to see if my suspicions were correct. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing if I had caught what I did. 

It hadn't taken long to find him. He was in one of the darker corners, indeed near the bathrooms, his arms around a familiar lovely young lady, his mouth on hers as well. Brittany had her blonde hair curled, and in a silver dress that barely covered anything. She had her long acrylics on Jacob's face, her mouth trying to devour his. 

I choked out a soft sob as I looked at the sight, the way that he was clearly into what was going on. As if he heard the sound of my cry, he tore himself away from Brittany, but it was too late, I was already gone, getting out of the venue as soon as possible. I couldn't go back to the table and pretend like everything was fine--as if I hadn't found my mate sucking faces with his ex. Which was something he promised he would never do. 

 "Baby, please, it's not what you think," Jacob called after me, but I was racing down the front steps of the venue. "Chloe, please, listen to me,"

That got me stopping in my tracks, him calling me by actual name. In all the time we had been mated, I couldn't think of a time when he had called me anything other than 'Baby,' he was serious. Well, he should have thought of that before he decided to make out with Brittany. 

I turned to look at him, tears blurring my vision, but I could still see him approaching me. "You lied to me, Jacob, you promised me that you would never-"

"It's not what it looked like, she came on to-"

He was cut off with a ringing slap to the face, a red mark clearly visible even in my blur of tears. My hand stung like a motherfucker, and due to the bond, I also felt a tingle in my own face, although it was nothing compared to what he felt. He took a step back, cupping his face, he looked at me, although it was clear that he knew that he deserved it. "Then you shouldn't have enjoyed it so much,"

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