(XII) Doctors Appointments and New Revelations

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After a few more days of not feeling well, I had gotten up and gone to the doctors

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After a few more days of not feeling well, I had gotten up and gone to the doctors. Although Jacob had offered to tag along with me, I thought it might be best for me to go alone. So now here I was, just sitting in the examination room, waiting for the doctor to come in with the diagnosis. It had been a good twenty minutes since I've seen her last, but the longer that I wait for her, the more anxious I was getting. I wasn't all too sure as to how I felt. She said it was only going to be simple tests she had to run, that it wasn't meant to last long. A simple blood test that could be completed in the office and a pee test, oh the joys of being a sexually active female.

I was worried, what if I'm dying? I'm not even eighteen and I just graduated and now I'm dying. I thought I had so much to look forward to. I'm probably overreacting, but it's fine, I typically am. 

The door opened again slowly, revealing the older doctor. She was at least in her mid-forties and she was pretty nice. I played with the hem of my shirt nervously, waiting for what she had to say. "Well, Chloe, it seems that you're with child,"

My eyes snapped up to her, sure it was definitely an option. Jacob and I had sex often, but it didn't seem like that could really be true. It was common for there to be a pup made not too long after mates meeting, but we're so young. Thinking about it now, all my symptoms were that of the early stages of pregnancy, how had I not noticed that before?

"How...how far along?" I asked, still trying to wrap my head around the idea that there was going to be a pup. I was kinda worried, wondering how Jacob would react, finding out that he was going to be having a pup so soon.

"Approximately four weeks, but you will have to go to an OB-GYN to get a proper time frame. Congratulations," the doctor responded, before getting a blank business card from the small table in the room, writing down some things before handing the small slip of paper to me. "Here, this is the contact information for the maternity department here, although you're always free to find a different gynecologist."

I thanked her and now that I was free to go, I was worried once more, how would Jacob react to the news. I met my mother in the waiting room, seeing as though she was the one to bring me to the doctor's office. I wasn't sure as to sure how to tell Jacob or anyone, but I knew I couldn't just wait until I ballooned up and have them figure it out on their own.

Mother and I made our way out to her car, and I played with my hands, thinking long and hard as to how I could tell Jacob. Even though I know he's said that I mean the world to him and he loves me, I can't help but fear the worst.

"What's wrong, Sweetheart?" Mother asked, glancing over at me as she drove down the street, making our way home.

"I'm...I'm pregnant," I whispered back, letting a tear fall. I was terrified, I was only seventeen, definitely not old enough to have a baby.  I know that we have a few years, but Jacob was going to be Alpha, it seemed so young for him to be having his first child. Colin and Elijah have been with their mates for months, and they're not having children yet. Colin wasn't born until Father was twenty-two, although Mother was only nineteen. I feel like I'm far too young for this.

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