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I really like it when authors leave little chapters about their writing process and little things that have factored into shaping the story into what you see. So I thought 'why not' and compiled everything I could think of. Enjoy!


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1. A really early version of this story was one of my first stories ever written on wattpad. That was 2013...I was twelve. It was not a good time. I thought I was hot shit even though it was just one big pile of garbage. Because I started writing this five years ago, there are major cliches that weren't that big then. 

2. I remember that this story was based on a conversation that I had during English class during my seventh-grade year. There were two really popular kids that didn't quite get along and everyone would joke that they would end up dating.

3. Many of the characters names were based on the names of people who had been in that in that class. 

4. Chloe had always been named Chloe Suzanne Frost. Jacob had always been Jacob Bradley (although I never specified what his middle name was in this version) although his surname has always changed--I have no recollection what he started off as. Brittany Lovelace has always been such--or at least I think. 

5. At one point, Jacob only had one sibling, although I like how he now has four. Chloe had always had her three siblings and they had always all been C names, although they have changed with the different versions.

6. The first two drafts of this book had been called 'I Hate You But I Love You'. It's stupid, I know. I was twelve, what do you expect. I even did some digging and found the original cover. (Note: I had blocked out the username that I had on that one because that was before I was ohgoditsyou and long before the pseudonym 'K. Oliver'. Before all of that, the username had been my birth name and that's not a good thing.)


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7. In the original, Chloe had ended up having a miscarriage. Don't know what that was about, there was no need for more sadness. In this version, she doesn't, thank goodness. Don't know what I would have done with no Christopher (their oldest son, he's mentioned in the epilogue if you missed that)

8. Chloe has always had a physical description similar to the girl that she was based on. Although through more edits, she's gotten farther away from that look. Although Jacob has never looked like anything like the guy he was based on. 

9. Up until the 2017 edit, Chloe never had a friend. Don't know what that was about. Guess I felt I needed to drive home that unloved loner vibe. Also up until the 2017 edit, Chloe was a sweatpants and hoodie type of girl and Jacob wasn't such an athlete. 

10. As long as I've had the character Elijah: his name has been Elijah. I think he's one of the only two Fantastic Four that's like that: the other being Jacob of course. 

11. I have generally no clue where Connie and Sophia had come from. They were random additions to add to the story...or something. 

12. At the beginning of the 2017 edit, I had renamed the story 'Tolerated'--don't know what that's about. Then in the middle of that edit, I decided on 'Change of Heart'.

13. I don't know why, but I vividly remember the school colors started out as mostly red, but at some point, they had become a blue school. 

14. Their high school was Riverdale High before Riverdale was even a show.

15. Chloe is a type of snarky, sarcastic narrator that I just love. The way that I've written her makes me laugh. I've had since started writing some of my other female protags like her. Here's an excerpt from another book I've been working on with a similar narrating style (it's called 'A Dare.' and you can find it on my profile):

  The short little woman looked over at me, and it was obvious that she was taken aback by my appearance. I know, who wears long sleeves in mid-August. Disgraceful. She looked at me for an overly long moment, I know I wore a lot of black and had purple hair, but she's being rude.  

16. I put weird little tidbits about myself into the characters I write. Like the Frosts having blue dishes. Chloe's ability to go through 20+ cups of tea a day. Her ability to do nothing but reads hundreds of pages of literature each day. Having multiple bookshelves in her room and how they're overflowing. How she has a really close relationship with her sister but her brothers just kinda exist. How she can't fall asleep without her stuffed animal.

17. The 2018 version of the book is my fourth time editing this book. 2013 was the original version. 2015 was a complete rewrite (although at the time I was a very lazy writer and didn't find it necessary to put apostrophes in contractions). 2016 was a rewrite I gave up on half-way through. 2017 was another complete rewrite -which is quite similar to what there's left of this story. 2018 was some heavy editing that I somehow managed in about 14 hours. 

18. I gave up writing the 2017 version on chapter twelve. I had a very case of bad writer's block and just wasn't feeling the story anymore. With the 2018 edit, I added the epilogue, which I think added quite a bit to the story without it being such an abrupt ending.

That's all I got for now, but once I remember anything else, I'll make sure to post it. 


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Change of Heart  (2018 - COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now