(III) Bruises and Birthday Parties

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Within the next few weeks, nothing really occurred, although the closer we would get to April third, Jacob's birthday, the cockier he would get

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Within the next few weeks, nothing really occurred, although the closer we would get to April third, Jacob's birthday, the cockier he would get. He was bragging about how when he would find his mate, he would be one step closer to taking over the pack when he comes of age. With his birthday party later today, he was getting worse than normal. I generally didn't care, pitying whatever girl got stuck with him. He was generally an intolerable snob, but I guess you knew that by now. 

I minding my own business, making my way into English as I did every morning, scowling, finding that Jacob was already in the room, one Brittany Lovelace sitting in the spot next to him-- my spot. I wasn't jealous, not even close, but that lovely lady was in my seat, getting her grimy germs all over the chair. The two of them were giving each other a lustful look, you know the one, and whispering things to one another. They could have at least learned to be quieter, they weren't being too discrete in a room full of werewolves, and what they were promising to do to one another- mostly what Brittany would do to Jacob- was just gross and I generally couldn't think of how he could find that attractive.

Although disgusted, I knew that class would start soon and if I didn't get the lovebirds away from each other they might actually fulfill their promises right here in the classroom. I made my way over to my seat, dropping my bag down, probably a little harder than needed, and told her to move. The blonde whipped her head towards me quickly, a glare on her overdone face. She was one of those girls, the pale blonde hair, the overly small physique, and too much makeup for school. 

"Excuse me, bitch?" Brittany sneered, quickly rising in defense. She was wearing a pale blue romper that I wasn't sure how she hadn't gotten dress coded for yet. It was strapless and far too short, the curve of her bum sticking out from below the hem. Her long blonde hair was dead from being straightened daily and her makeup was a little gaudy for a normal Friday. At least her bits were mostly covered. 

"I asked you to vacay my seat because I'd prefer to learn about English and not how you'd go down on our darling Alpha," I responded in a sarcastic manner, enjoying the way that her face flushed red. In the time that I've known Brittany, I've learned the best ways to rile her up, regardless of the consequences that came later.  

"You little bitch." she snarled, trying to shove at me. It was then that Mrs. Marso walked into her room when the lovely lady had her hands on me. The teacher watched as I stumbled from the shove, and more mean words left Brittany's mouth. Mrs. Marso quickly got her attention, telling Brittany to go down to the office. All I did was ask for my seat back and she had resorted to that--for what purpose? The worst part is that I knew that later I would be in for a hella lot more from our lovely lady and her little pack of goons. 

I sighed, sliding into my seat, ignoring Jacob's side eye. I grabbed my things for the class that I would need, setting them atop the desk. "You didn't need to be such a bitch,"

"You didn't need to be talking about oral at seven thirty in the morning." I shot back to Jacob, not even bother to look at him. In the time that I had known him, I've learned generally not care, or to look him in the eye, knowing those dark brown orbs were a pit of apathy and general hatred. In all the time that I've known him, I wasn't sure as to why he hated me and treated me the way he did, making others think it was okay treat me the same as he did. 

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