(IV) Loud Mouths and Steamy Nights

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I'm only slightly sorry for spam posting (seeing how this is the fourth chapter in like three hours). I'm editing an old version of the story and I thought it would be best to get it all done at once. 

I spent most of my day on Statuary lounging around my room, healing from all the injuries

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I spent most of my day on Statuary lounging around my room, healing from all the injuries. I spent the day switching between sitting at the desk doing coursework or sitting around reading. I wasn't in the mood to deal with my family, I loved them all, but sometimes I couldn't deal with them, especially when I didn't feel well. 

Although I was two stories above the Fantastic Four, I could still hear their hooting and hollering, celebrating Jacob's birthday. He was officially eighteen and he was set to meet his mate later, poor girl, and the four guys had thought it was a good idea to be little assholes in the basement because apparently, they didn't have anywhere else to hang out. With all their ruckus, none of their parents probably wanted them there, which I could sympathize with. 

At about a quarter to three, I climbed back down the stairs, intent with making myself another cup of tea. I snuck into the kitchen, turning on the kettle and prepared the cup with the new tea bag. Now that I closer to the basement door, the group of them were just that much louder and it was just generally irritating. I opened the familiar oak door, hearing the volume increase nearly ten-fold. 

"Do you think you'll be with Brittany?" Jackson asked the question no doubt directed to Jacob. I wrinkled my nose at the thought of her, my core still aching from the beating from yesterday.  

"Fuck nah," Jacob responded, giving out a laugh at the thought. There was the sound of some sports game playing on the flat screen, although it seemed like none of them were actually paying attention to them. 

"Who do you think it'll be?" Jackson inquired, abnormally interested in the topic. As the youngest, Jackson had nearly a month until he got to meet his mate. 

"I think you should be quiet," I butted my way into the conversation, staying in my spot at the top of the stairs. 

"Piss off, Chloe," Jacob called back, and for some reason, I felt hurt by the comment. I had grown used to the mean things that he's said to me over the years, so why now did such a minuscule thing like that hurt my feelings? Who knows, it was probably because I didn't feel well. 

"Don't be a dick," I called back to him, intent on leaving the conversation there, but as I went to close the basement door once again, I heard him mutter 'whore.' "at least I don't turn oral into a casual English class discussion."

With the choked laughter that came out of one of them, clearly enjoying the burn I had dished out. I closed the door, hearing the kettle whistle anyway. After a new cup had been made, I went back into hiding in my room, at least glad to know that they were notably quieter now, a perfect opportunity for me to be able to listen to my music and read some Gogol. I spent the rest of the afternoon reading, having finished the last of the work a while ago. I was more than ready for senior year to be over so that I could get all the time in the world so that I could read. 

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