(Epilogue) Inauguration and Toddlers

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(Ten Years Later)

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(Ten Years Later)

I was currently standing next to Jacob, who was a nervous wreck. His Alpha inauguration was set to start in the next few minutes. He had been preparing for this day for years, the three of us had moved to the Coinback Territory for his four-year apprenticeship. Our family was now back in Hopewell, which had since expanded, and Jacob was terrified now that this day was a reality.

In the past decade, Jacob and I had been stepping up, preparing to take over as Alpha and Luna. We had spent years under the instruction of an Alpha friend of Jacob's father. Outside of the political grooming, there was also much growth in our personal lives. The two of us had been married for the last seven years and had three children, and there had been talks of having another one.

Christopher and his two younger siblings were restless from the already long day. Christopher Micheal was almost nine, William Edward was turning four, and Charlotte Louise was a year and a half. The two little ones were more to handle than their brother, but I was managing to keep them under control.

The five of us were finding our spots for the ceremony, Christopher holding onto his brother's hand while I held a tired Charlotte. We were all prepared, dressed in Hopewell blue. I gave my mate a few more encouraging words and a peck on the cheek before he was to go stand with William Bluefield, his father, and current Alpha.

The ceremony started, with all the wolves who lived in Hopewell in attendance. Jacob was only going to be the leader for the next two or three decades, so it was only right to have everyone here to see him take office.

The ceremony took upwards of two hours, filled with lots of political jargon and long speeches filled with promise. I was beaming with pride as my mate showed that he was going to be a great Alpha.

With a fussy Charlotte and William (the second) it was a bit harder for me to properly focus on the speeches. I knew what Jacob was saying nearly by heart, seeing how he had been practicing what he was going to say for weeks.

Keeping the little ones calm was a bit of a hassle, seeing how it was past their afternoon nap and they weren't used to having to be quiet for so long. I managed it, for the most part, allowing Jacob to have his day.

"Look, see, there's daddy. What's he doin'?" I whispered to Charlotte, trying to keep her busy, knowing she's is soon going to be completely done with the event. She was a crier and it was never fun to attempt to calm her down. Jacob didn't need to deal with his daughter having a temper tantrum, today was already stressful enough.


That night, long after the ceremony, the reception and press conferences afterward, all five of us were beyond exhausted. I had been able to return home earlier than Jacob seeing how I had the children to take care of.

It was currently a little after midnight and the two of us were relaxing on the couch in our living room, the children having been put to bed hours ago. I had changed into pajamas a little while ago and Jacob was struggling to stay awake, still dressed in his suit.

"Jay, don't you think it's time for bed?" I asked him softly, my fingers running through his dark hair gently. I had been lounging on the couch when had gotten home and he had ended up basically laying on top of me, his face still pressed against my breasts. I had only gotten a groan from him as his arms wrapped around me tighter. "C'mon, the bed is much more comfortable than I am,"

"You're plenty comfy," Jacob weakly responded, lifting head to grin at me. Although he was coming up on twenty-nine, I could still the boyish charm in his features. He was still the attractive mate that I've always had.

"Nope. we're going up to bed. I'd rather not have you sleep on me, you oaf." I said to him sternly and eventually managed to get him up off of me. The two of us sleepily made our way stairs to the master bedroom. I had made a quick pitstop at the little ones' room. I checked up on the two of them and kissed their foreheads.

By the time I made it back to the master bedroom, Jacob had stripped out of his suit and was left in nothing more than his underwear. The two of us curled up under the comforter and turned off the bedside lamp. I was snuggled up to my mate, husband, and the father of my pups. I was happy with the life I had with him and couldn't wait to see where our story continues on.

"I love you, Jay," I muttered to him finding his lips in the dark. I left a messy kiss on his lips, one that he returned. His arms pulled me closer to to him, where I was practically laying on top of him. I sighed in contentment, the rhythmic beating of his heart lulling me to sleep.

"Love you more, Baby,"

891 words. 06-14-2018

Chloe's outfit^^

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Chloe's outfit^^

Chloe's outfit^^

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