(VI) First Dates and First Shifts

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Chloe's wolf form^^

I apparently didn't have to wait long, seeing how he had caught up to me on the walk to school

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I apparently didn't have to wait long, seeing how he had caught up to me on the walk to school. I had done the stupid thing of not realizing how cold this morning was until I was too far from my house to turn back when I felt a letterman jacket be placed on my shoulders. Although the shorts and tank top I wore was tasteful, it wasn't the slightest bit warm. I jumped, knocked out of my thoughts, looking up from the sidewalk, finding a Jacob grinning at me. 

"You looked cold," he had explained, and I grinned, pulling the dark blue jacket closer to me. I thanked him, and he interlaced our hands. He poked at one of the flowers on my headband. "You look lovely, Baby,"

"Thanks," I mumbled, looking at him. He had switched from the typical school shirts, wearing a plain white shirt for once, his jeans were the same as always. He looked as though he had forgotten what a hairbrush was this morning, but that typically seemed to be the look he was going for.

We continued to walk to school, holding hands.  I was worried as to how he would react when we got closer to the hoard of students. He had always been one to care about his popularity the most, thinking that he had to keep his Alpha look up, never interacting with those that may interfere with his image. I was definitely one of those people, I was nothing more than Riverdale High's excuse for a--mostly-- verbal punching bag, and Jacob had been one of the main contributing factors to that.

He didn't walk away from me, he didn't put on this show about how he and I were now an item. He just continued walking, as if this was a normal, everyday occurrence, and I was glad. I met up with Sophia at my locker, gathering up my needed books for the first few classes. She just looked at the two of us, to our intertwined hands, back up to our faces. Her blue eyes focused in on a hickey on my neck, one that neither my hair or makeup could completely hide. 

"This is gonna be weird, with you two not constantly at each other's throats," she commented, before grinning at me. She wasn't the biggest fan of Jacob, but if I was willing to try with him, she would try to tolerate him too. "But if you hurt her, Alpha boy, I will hunt you down."

"I wasn't planning on it, but okay" He promised her before turning to me, "I gotta go talk to Coach, I'll see you in English, okay?"

"Okay," I responded, and he kissed my temple before walking off. I ended up stuffing his jacket into my locker, not up for the idea of carrying the heavy thing all day. The morning went as is it normally did. Sophia and I made our rounds through the school, although our topics had drifted from our normal things, and onto the topic of Jacob. She was curious as to how I felt about being mated to him, and if he was being good to me, in a typical worried best friend fashion. 

When the morning bell rang, we split, making our way to our separate classes. When I made it to Mrs. Marso's room, I saw Jacob waiting for me at the door. As I approached him, he grinned at me. "You didn't have to wait for me,"

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