(V) Lazy Sundays and Making Promises

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Jacob Bluefield^^

When I opened my eyes, I wondered why my bunny was laying on the ground, why my core hurt so much, and who had their arm draped over my side

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When I opened my eyes, I wondered why my bunny was laying on the ground, why my core hurt so much, and who had their arm draped over my side. The night before was a blur of pain, and I blushed thinking about it. I had met my mate, and he had treated me like a goddess. 

I buried my face under the comforter, it stained a deep red. I nudged closer to my mate, not daring to look up at his face just yet. I pressed up against a very muscular, very naked male. I squeaked, not expecting that his... junior would be pressed into my back, semi-hard. Even with that, I still enjoyed being close to him, the warm hum of the bond making me feel secure. 

After a good five minutes, curiosity had gotten the best of me, and I turned to look at him. The sight that had greeted me wasn't what I had expected. A familiar mop of dark brown hair, an angular face that most of my life I had wanted to bash in. Most importantly, on the base of his neck rested two fresh hickeys, not too far from where I would mark him. Had I done that?

My sleepy bliss had been shattered looking at Jacob. The one who had made my life a general shit show was the one laying in my bed, after a night like that. I flushed again thinking of what had occurred, thinking of the sight of his dark brown eyes watching me, as his head had been buried between my legs. 

I closed my eyes, curling up again, trying not to bother the sleeping male next to me, trying not to wake him. It was still early, my room slowly lightening from the sunrise, it was no later than six thirty. I knew that my alarm would end up going off in a half hour, but until then, I just wanted peace. 

I guess I had fallen back asleep because my eyes snapped open at the whine of the clock. I quickly reached up to dismiss it, but the groan that had left my bed partner told me that he was now awake. 

"Baby," he whispered, God, that shouldn't have been so hot. Jacob nuzzled his face into my neck, his hand that had been resting over my side drew little patterns onto my tummy. I wondered if last night had been just as much of a blur for him as it was for me.  Did he not know that it was my bed that he had made his way into last night?

I grumbled under my breath, wishing that I had gotten more time before he had woken up. I felt him chuckle, him pressing kisses against my neck. I don't know how it had happened, but I once again found myself underneath of him, his hands roaming lazily, him pressing back into me. This time, sex between us was a lot slower, tired, and oddly a nice way to wake up. 

I didn't think about too much, what this mateship meant, currently too lost in the early morning pleasure. What had happened to the girl who had never even been kissed before? Within the last seven hours, this was the third time we'd gone at it, besides when he had gone down on me. 

With the mix of his kisses, his thrusts, and his fingers against my bundle of nerves, it hasn't taken long for me to come undone around him. His pace quickened, watching me, and not long after, I watched in awe as his face contorted as he came to his own release within me. 

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