The Purge: Hotel Chapter 13

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     Scott's valid point was accepted by the group before they continued moving. Guilt scratched at Scott's brain, but it couldn't cut deep against self-preservation. When Scott had a working canister, he was valuable. He was the backbone to the strength of the group. They surrounded him and his daughter, and were willing to lay down their lives, when they thought they were united by the canister. For the moment, the ignorance of the group, protected his little girl, and he was in no rush for that to end.

      The lobby was now quiet. All of the victims that were being tortured earlier were now dead, and the Participants were no longer in view. It was a little alarming how quiet the hotel became. Before leaving the balcony, the group studied the area below, and listened to the silence. There were no longer screams echoing off the walls. A steady stream from the fountain below was the only sound to be heard.

      Walking with confidence, the group left the balcony behind, and headed back toward the exit. Back in the stairwell, the group found the fourth and third floor doors locked. In that moment one of the scouts informed the rest of the group that the fifth and sixth doors were also locked. The only way out of the stairwell was by the second floor exit. There was a feeling that the group was being led back toward the lobby. With the area quiet, there was little fear in the notion of having to return to the common area.

      Before the group left the stairwell, they made sure to prop the door open, in case they had to make an escape. Crowding into the stairwell wasn't their best option, but they felt better keeping their options open. In formation, they walked down the second floor hallway, as the piano began to play in the lobby. No one spoke as they moved toward the music. Approaching the deformed woman's cart, Scott hoped to find a refill for the canister, but it had been picked clean a long time ago.

      Continuing down the hallway, the group searched every open door and closed the doors behind them. Once the doors were shut, they locked again. There wasn't anyone, alive, to find on the second floor. The group didn't split up when they reached the elevator. Staying together, everyone took the staircase to the right to reach the lobby.

      It was hard for the group to take their eyes off of the clown playing the piano. As the group descended down to the lobby, he started to play carnival music. Instead of paying attention to the distraction, others in the group scanned the area, looking for any threats. They all reached the lobby safely and nothing happened. At the bottom of the stairs, they had to decide their next destination.

      "I say we beat some answers out of the clown," one of the men in the group said.

      "At least get him to stop playing," a woman said. "He's creeping me the hell out."

      "We have to make sure we're not walking into a trap," Trevor chimed in. "The clown has to know something. It's not a coincidence that he started playing when we entered the hall. He's up to something with someone."

      Scott placed his hand over his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows as his thoughts raced around in his head. Anxiety caused tension all over his body as he thought of all the terrible outcomes. His mouth was dry, and he really wanted something to drink. Before anyone could make a decision on their next move, their attention was diverted to the man dressed as an evil carnival ringmaster.

      The lanky man wearing a long tailed, red coat, and a black and white top hat, walked up the piano bench, and stood on top of the piano. Black and white feathers lined the collar of his coat. White makeup covered the man's face, and black makeup surrounded his eyes. Long leather boots with metal toe guards, got everyone's attention as he stomped his way to the top of the piano.

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