Chapter 5- Introduction

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Cossette lit up like a Christmas tree. "YES!" She almost screamed, making Enjolras laugh. 

They continued talking, then Enjolras felt the sharp pain in his joints again. He was starting to get worried. It had been happening for almost two months. He told himself that if it didn't stop by Grantaire's birthday, so in a few weeks he would go to the doctors.

The day continued, Cossette and Eponine mostly cuddling in the corner and Enjolras working on his speech. It had to be perfect. He almost didn't notice when a drink was set in front of him. 

"You ever gonna be done with that?" Grantaire smiled down at him, and holy shit that was the first time Enjolras had seen Grantaire looking down at him like that and sweet Jesus he looked hot. He'd look even hotter i-

"Enjolras?" Grantaire asked, shaking him from a trance.

"What? Sorry, just a bit zoned out," he lied, blushing.

"Okay... I was wondering if you wanted to meet some of my friends? I think you'd really like them," Grantaire smiled at him and that wasn't fair. He gave in with a smile.

"I'd love to R," and he stood, once more refusing to acknowledge the pain in his knees. He kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, and said a quick goodbye to Cossette and Eponine.

They walked around for a bit before stopping at a bar. "I think you'll really like Jehan! He's super sweet," he smiled at Enjolras. 'Oh! And Joly is great too, he's a doctor. And Marius is super clumsy it's so funny, and Bahorel is with Feuilly, they just don't know it yet," he rambled, leading him through the crowded bar.

Grantaire's POV

He was so ready for his friends to meet Enjolras. He was certain that they would all love him.

"Jehan!" He smiled at the small boy with flowers in his hair.

"Hey R! Who's this?" R looked back at his boyfriend with a fond smile.

"Guys! New member!" Jehan yelled.

"This is Enjolras, my boyfriend and you guys are going to all love him, not as much as I do, but that's not the point," they laughed.

"Hi," Enjolras looked a bit uncomfortable.

"How about y'all introduce yourselves," he smiled.

They went in a circle, starting with Marius. "Hey guys!" He said in an excited voice. "I'm Marius, and I'm twenty one, and I uh, really like dogs," he smiled and sat back in his chair.

"Hey, I'm Courfeyrac, I'm a bit older than Marius, and I really like Jehan," Jehan blushed furiously, and kissed his boyfriend.

"I'm Jehan, and um, I'm Courfeyrac's boyfriend, and um I really like poetry," Jehan spoke quickly, not liking to be in the center of attention.

"I'm Joly, I'm going to be a doctor, just a few years left at college, and yeah," Joly smiled at them. "Also, apparently I'm everybody's mom here so, yeah, have fun with that Enjolras,"  Enjolras laughed.

"I'm Bahorel, I'm probably the oldest, at least I look the oldest, but that doesn't matter. I like to hang out with these nerds and Feuilly," Grantaire suppressed a laugh as he watched Feuilly's face go red. 

"Oh, it's my turn?" Enjolras asked Grantaire, looking a bit uncertain. Where was this shyness coming from? He was usually ready to talk in front of crowds, and this was only a few people.

"I'm Enjolras, I'm Grantaire's boyfriend, and um, I like politics, I am working on a speech for Pride right now, actually, you guys should all come!" Grantaire laughed.

"Oh my God, this guy will rant for hours. He gets so passionate about things it's adorable," Grantaire added. 

"Shut up," Enjolras laughed. 


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